monkey bum pants is a nickname for very cute kitten, that is normally named after a superhero
my cat sure is a monkey bum pants. a monkey bum pants is the best kind of cat
Monkey mouthing: speaking or yelling utterly nonsense.
"She was monkey mouthing about a situation she knew nothing about"
A sexual occurrence involving a threesome of two females and one male in which the first woman is STD-positive and the guy and the other gal is not. The guy first has intercourse with the diseased girl, receiving dangerous bodily fluids on his penis yet miraculously not acquiring her STD. He then gives penile pleasure and, unfortunately, the first woman's bodily fluids to the second female, endowing her with the disease from his "dirty needle." After this, he is effectively called the “monkey in the middle”
Darv: Ron, I heard you were the monkey in the middle this past weekend. You got severely lucky, man.
Ron: Darvy, It's as though I've murdered by surviving.
a very fastly generating penis
i was having it one night when i forgot abotu my spunk monkey and i kind of filled her to the brim .
A word given to a unsually horny man , that goes wild to the even slightest touch of a female
What the fuck Jeremy you sure are a "spunk Monkey"
The Ilminster urban legend. Known for her obsession with weed.
Example: "hey, I saw that marijuana monkey around town again today"
Example 2: "not gonna lie, marijuana monkey is pretty hot"
A member of the kitchen staff that ranks below a slave.
A member of the that the rest of the kitchen staff to gang up on and mistreats to the point the kitchen monkey quits.
A member of a kitchen that the head chef does not like.
A dumb member of the kitchen staff
An kitchen employee that is in trouble and the rest of the kitchen staff en mass make to their mundane jobs.
Any hotel banquet cook that realizes the banquet kitchen is run by a moron and applies to another department that the rest of the banquet kitchen staff resent and treat with scorn.