A derogatory word for a person of a black ethnicity of any nationality.
I have no love for Tribe Monkeys.
its a mercinary leader who doesnt know how to properly use there army and uses it to threaten people online even tho he is still a monkey
person 1: get fucking shit on
Andrew (monkey mercinary leader) : shut up or ill get the mercinarys on you
person 1: you cant do shit
Andrew : *cries and becomes emo*
n. Small child who loves wet snow and all the glorious things that can be done with it, most of which involve slushed sisters.
A spring snowfall? Time for Captain Slush Monkey to plaster the neighbourhood girls.
Someone in the armed forces who made a living out of listening to morse code
I used to be a morse monkey.
Autoglass technician who’s main concern is to get the job done as fast as possible. of vehicles to “stuff” the windshield and “forgetting” to grind down rust, as well as primer application. Usually leaving blue or green tape around the top and sides of the new windshield to hold it in place as the glue they use out of date and cheap. Frequently breaking molding clips and gluing them down to leave a headache for the next technician.A long knife is this mans best friend.
Damnit, these moldings aren’t coming off in one piece, some glass monkey must have been here
When something does not make sense
Being arrested for that is monkey booty
A saying for describing someone really cool
Ex. Dude your one cool monkey low key would suck your dick