Source Code

do a GoT

Messing up the ending of a well written story by either making it progressively worse over the course of time or suddenly near the end of the story. This represents how the writers of Game of Thrones messed up the ending of the series that it lost all the re-watchability of the series.

I am afraid some of my favorite TV shows will do a GoT, and I will not want to re-watch it.

by utsuro July 17, 2021

I'd do that all day

When something is such a good deal or idea that you would gladly take it at any time

Them: $500 a month utilities and internet are included
You: I'd do that all day!

by TonyDanza123 March 8, 2022

I was just about to do that

When someone who contributes nothing to the house wants to dissipate some guilt while trying to make the other person think more of them, while the listener just gets annoyed by how often it is said without action behind it

"are you doing the washing up? I was just about to do that."

by YeetedFeeted April 21, 2022

do a ferrari

to fuck something up really badly

they ought to do a ferrari this weekend, its unevitable

by dasdsagdfd September 4, 2022

It’s doing

When you don’t have enough chromosomes to say “Everything’s good, thanks for asking.”

Person A: Hey, Jim! How are you?

Jim: Ooooooh It’s doing, alright.

by ImTheEyeholeMan January 17, 2020

Doing a Codey Sharp

to be pushed out of a second story window

"he's just doing a Codey Sharp"

by salmonella14 March 8, 2019

do a jacey

A lady of the night who willingly let's men go bareback preferably down dock areas late at night.

I'm going down the docks to do a jacey

by ssorairotciv July 17, 2020