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Look to all those arrogant people out there here is the matter of fact: Goths took over rome a loooooong time ago! A 'Goth' isnt acctually a goth. But heres the deal, ill explain what the truth is behind the label GOTH:
A gothusually dresses dark and listens to a variety of music. People do not understand that because somone dresses differently or is a 'Goth' doesnt make them suicidal, werid or a meff. To be honuest the people who think that often have problems with being an individual or have a problem with people being an individual. I can see in the near future someone being shot for wearing blue on a daily basis.
How oh-so un educated some people are :@

A good example of the stereotype of a Goth is someone who wears black, listens to rock and has some grasp on the thing i call INDIVIDUALITY!

by IndividualKid October 21, 2008

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An avid listener of Goth Rock and it associated genres, which was a spin-off of a 1970's punk movement that started in a club in the UK called the Batcave.

Some example bands are bauhaus, the Sisters of Mercy, Corpus Delicti, All Gone Dead, 1919, 13th Chime (deathrock), Screams for Tina (deathrock)

I like bauhaus, am I a Goth yet?

by PeterMurphreak January 2, 2010

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To many people, Goths are : unhappy people, wanting to kill themselves, and listen to ' goth ' music..

But to me they are : Happy people trying to have fun, not wanting to kill themselves and listen to GOOD music.

<3 Goths <3

Omg look at that goth! he is unhappy and wants to kill himself! he loves Satan!! - Normal Person

That Goths cool ;) <3 much love <3 - Normal'er person :P

by <3 Goths <3 September 12, 2007

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Ok,since this subject seems to be VERY controversal,I'll go through some things you may think and what you don't know,you see,I've actully MET some people who follow the Goth culture(labels suck)

Here we go...

1.Goths are suicidal
-Ok,let me begin by saying anyone can be suicidal,Goths,Preps,Jocks,Nerds,ANYONE.Just because someone dresses in black or listens to Rock music and stuff doesn't make them suicidal.
2.All goths are gay or lesbian
-Once again,this is a topic that anyone may be,not just these guys.
3.Goths are evil/worship satan
-This is what those damn Catholic Fanatics made everyone believe,ok,so they may seem dark or even...scary,but that doesn't make them satanic.Satanism is a RELIGION,not a trend.
4.All goths should die
-I am against the killing of anyone because of their likes/dislikes/looks/tastes.

Hopefully,this guide has given you insite that no matter how different people seem,we all are capable of the same shit.

But,here's one that may save you

If you don't like someone,leave them the fuck alone!Don't waste your life making their's hell because they don't look or act like you.

Oh my god,she's such a goth...

by 137 August 1, 2004

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Goths. If any of the people who wrote the above negative defenitions have actually ever even talked to a 'goth', then i would be greatly surprised. There are many types of 'goths'. There are:
non-goths (wannabees)

You will know at least one or more of the above. Perky-Goths are the most widely known Goths in the 'Gothic culture' these people are always happy and are also generally the ones who get stereotyped. Metal-Heads and rivet-heads are basically the same apart from the fact that metal-heads are much more agressive than rivet heads. It is hard to determine between a Cyber-Goth and a Candy-raver. The only difference is that Cyber-Goths listen to slightly heavier music. Trad-Goths are a dying breed. They are mostly made-up the remenants of the Romantic-Goths form the 80's. These are the people who you associate with the stereo-typical goth (e.g. The people who think they're Vampires and only come out at night).
Metallers come along in the same catagory as metal-heads and rivet-heads. Grungers are more associated with skaters. They generally listen to Nirvana and Alice-in-chains. Never get these people along with metal-heads, rivet-heads or metallers, they will start the biggest mosh pit seen to man.
God-knows-whats are the people who you cannot put into a catagory. These people are not easy to find but look hard enogh, and you'll find them. Pure-Norwegian-black-death-metallers, probably the most frightening people you will ever come across.
Non-Goths are mainly people who think they are goth bacause they listen to 'Sum 41' or 'H.I.M' and they follow the 'Gothic Fashion' - wear all black, only come out at night think they're vampires et cetera... but they only do this to impress or scare the general public. During the day they're 'Normals'.
Fetishers are the people who wear P.V.C non stop, even if its 90 degrees outside. Also closely linked with Cyber-Goths.
Finally i would just like to say that there are many more types of goths than this. These are just a few examples. So, next time you want to ridicule one of us, take a step back and think about what you are saying before you say it.

Not all goths self-harm, or do drugs, or smoke, or drink exessive amounts of alcohol, in fact i can name many more townies end up in hospital with alcohol posioning than goths. So please think about what you are saying bacause frankly, we dont care. You are a miniscule part of our lives that we could do without.

by Holly J. Fisher January 6, 2005

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A goth is person who likes sad but pretty things; like old churches and black roses. they wear dark, eroticised fashion with colours; black, purple, indigo, blue and/or red. is is typicly punk, new romantic to medieval and victorian inspired with Christian, Agnostic and Pagan jewelry.

Amy is a goth

by Evrae Wolfsong July 16, 2010


1.) Regular people just like you and I but with an outlook on life that isn't about following what other people do, but just doing their own thing.

2.) A person who is ridiculed for doing their own thing and living life their way.

3.) A person who gets judged and labeled for what they wear and how they act.

A Goth is someone that follows what they believe rather than what other people believe. Rather than following the latest trends, they create their own.

Goths are constantly ridiculed for doing their own thing rather than what other people are doing. People judge Goths all the time just because they act and dress differently. That doesn't mean they're bad people. It just means they're different.

In highschool, the only crowd i hung out with was Goths. And they're the nicest people i've met.

by The_Best_Who_Ever_Lived March 30, 2009