Another variation of :Q. Also :Ş, but ... yeah. This is basically a suprised drooling face. Can be also sad drooling face.
Use 1: Person 1: "Did you do your work today?"
Person 2: "There was work? :Ç"
Use 2: "Don't have the feeling to do my homework today. Idk why. :Ç"
The sign of boredom beyond the mortal plane.
Holding the option key while starting from q and typing down and then up and keep alternating the direction.
You: "Damn, I'm bored af. œåΩ≈ß∑´∂ç√ƒ®†©∫˜˙¥¨∆µ˚ˆø¬π"
when you are really bored and type random keys
i am \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\uiop\hjiop\gnm,ppp'ppp‘‘•ªæ†¡™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™££¢¢∞¢∞§¶¨¥ƒ†∂®®¥¨†˚∆©˙ƒ∂´®ø…©•ø≥ç¶∂§¶πƒ•ø©¬ˆ§¶≤∆¥√†ç˙≈´∞ø∂•¬∞¶ˆ∆çµ˙≈∞¢∂πƒ•…ª§ç¶ø•§çπƒª©•ˆ¨§ƒ∆˚®ç√ªƒ§©¶•¥¨ƒ√©¶•πˆ˙∆¬