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Politically correct term for black people.

‘I’m not frickin’ African American. I’m American. I have never been to Africa, and I never want to. I can barely tell you five countries in the stupid place.’

Black people aren’t offended by the word ‘black’. Only white people are. Which makes no sense whatsoever. Truthfully, if you came up to me and called me an ‘African American’ then I’d be offended, but if you called me ‘black’ I probably wouldn’t even notice.

by Johnny Twoguns August 5, 2004

970👍 308👎

African Drive By

An African drive by is similar in form to a traditional drive by, however a few core differences are present; one being the medium used by the assailant(s) as a mode transportation and another being the actual weapon to be discharged. In an African drive by, the assailant will carefully choose a vine, the longer or higher up in the canopy it's fulcrum the more distance between the attacker and the victim after the drive by allowing for easier escape back to ones village or hut, which is ideal, and then swing by the victim(s) while shooting a dart blowgun filled with a village aids victim's semen, causing instant infection, and often times Ebola or sickle cell anemia, which just happened to be in the donor's blood anyway. It was initially thought that African drive bys originated in Ethiopia as a settlement over conflict over food, until historians realized that there was never food in Ethiopia. The roots of the African drive by are still unknown, though many hypothesize that the first African drive by occurred over conflict between tribesman over one killing anothers goat for pride. Premeditation of an African drive by can be characterized by the pounding of the chest, and an indicator of an African drive by in progress is loud yelling, often sounding like "MULU BULU TULU" which roughly translates to "fuck yo couch nigga".

Man, that fool Solomon just killed another one of my goats, I'm about to African drive by this clown.

by JayDh89 June 16, 2010

42👍 9👎


1. A person, born on the continent of Africa, who becomes a naturalized citizen of the United States of America.
2. The most commonly misused word, (albeit one deemed politically correct by people afraid to use the words "black" or "colored") describing the black population of the United States of America.

While Taneisha thought she was African-American, she was born right here in Lower Alabama.

by Bad, Bad, Leroy Jones October 10, 2003

434👍 137👎

African swallow

Non-migratory bird that can carry coconuts as far north as Mercia, that is if they were inclined to do so.

"It could be carried by an African swallow!"

by swallowcarryingacoconut December 15, 2005

209👍 62👎

white african

Simply a person of the white race that was born in Africa. Mainly in South Africa.
Being African doesn't necessarely mean that the person is black. African is simply a nationality.

Bob: Hey, that white african kid just moved here and is now living in the U.S.
Joe: I guess it that makes him an African-American.

by ShinGino December 14, 2006

116👍 32👎


A person who was originally from Africa who has been made a citizen of the United States.

Note: Just because your great-great-great-grandpa was from Africa doesnt make you an African-American

Salif just moved here from Africa.

by sjl October 10, 2004

269👍 85👎


A euphemism for "black" when referring to people. Used by politically correct morons who are afraid to use proper language in fear of offending someone.

Moron: He's African-American right?
Me: No, he's BLACK.

by W August 4, 2004

414👍 135👎