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Noun: a man's anal cavern that has been smeared with feces after receiving anal sex.

Verb: to rub feces off of one's penis between the other man's butt cheeks and around his anus from which it was originally located.

Rick decided to give Sam a brownback after their session of passionate love making. While rubbing his cock in between Sam's buttcheeks, Rick felt santorum slowly begin leaking onto his shit covered, semi erect penis.

by Brownbacker420 June 26, 2015


The money one earns while taking a poop at work.

I earned at least a couple of brownbacks taking a shit today. Feels good man

by Interius July 16, 2021


A feces covered penis after engaging in anal sex without a condom.

Sam didn't douche well and I got brownbacked!

by PrepSquad April 27, 2017


A politician that rubber stamps something because a big donor told them to do it — even if it bankrupts their district, city, etc.

See Governor Sam Brownback

Lily Wu is a brownbacker

by Mary Reed September 20, 2023


Simiar to going "bareback" Brownbacking is when two loving men have unprotected consensual anal sex with each other. This form of intercourse is prevelant throughout the country, but is the most common form of sex found in Kansas.

This time when we go Brownbacking let's try not to get Santorum all over the place.

by JonnyDrama February 14, 2015


- The act of an extremely hateful Governor issues an Executive Order that removes legal protections for Homosexual Minorities, that ends up being that Governor undoing. - The act of willfully and thoughtlessly engaging in unprotected anal sex, then withdrawing to find a creamy mixture of seaman and human excrement on your genitals. Upon discovery of that mixture, the pair immediately begin vomiting across the already vile mess that has now dripped out onto the bedspread now created a slip and slide of filth they both slide around, eventually drowning in futile attempts to get out of the bed.

"Sam Brownback could have avoided his political suicide if he avoided brownbacking the homosexuals of Kansas."
"Sam Brownback developed a nasty infection after Brownbacking a prostitute."

by IWILLJUMP February 14, 2015