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Burst Balloons

Formerly round pert breasts that have subsequently deflated through time

They literally have the appearance of two burst balloons. The valve being the nipple dangling at the bottom

Thinking about implants to fix my burst balloons

by VeryVisionary September 8, 2023

bog burst

When you hve had the spiciest , naughiest Chicken curry the night before you wake up with your ass exploding spicy shit and if your dick touches the shit there is a high chance it will become infected. It usually lasts 1~2 days.

Hey man hurry up I need to use the shitter. My bog is bursting after last nights Indian curry and my dick is covered with green spots because it exploded all over my dick. Go to the Doc. No you go to Maccie Ds toilets. Too late.

Im in the toilet 1 day because my bog is bursting after that chicken curry.when your bog burst is too much to handle.

by Zanzaxie boy February 19, 2017

Burst Pastie

The result of an overheated Pastie which spills the contents out looks not dissimilar to that of a unfortunate woman's vagina

Yeah i pulled her pants down and she had a minge like a burst pastie

by paulobeef September 15, 2008

Burst Mattress

A burst mattress pertains to a vagina or gootherus that is not well kept. The pubic hair protrudes out the sides of the underwear, resembling a well worn mattress, with its stuffing coming through the seams

β€œHer lady garden hasn’t had a gardener in a while, it looks like a burst mattress β€œ

by Gootherologist2020 November 26, 2020

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Choda Burst

1 A fart that bellows toward the genitals, usually warming the scrotum or making a "flat" clapping sound from under the balls. 2 Also can be used as a derogative name for a real douche bag.

1 I was sitting in my office chair when I squeezed out a real Choda Burst!

2 Max from accounting, that guy is a real Choda Burst!

by Mister Mayhem August 24, 2009

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burst sofa

An exploded vagina often found in middle eastern girls. Resembles a burst sofa, Hot stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!

That chicks got a pussy like a burst sofa.

by Poos Magoo August 31, 2006

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lemon burst

a combination of pineapple pieces dipped in country time lemonade powder. its juciy, tnagy, and has a sour burst to the tast. it is a great snack for stoners, and its healthy.

dude these lemon bursts tasts sick bro.

by stonerbra April 26, 2011

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