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a presedent, who while sky-rocketing tax rates on all classes, encountered many terrorist attacks to which he did nothing, kept the economy good, had sex with an inturn, before lieing about it under oath, which is a fellony, became the first presedent in over 100 years to be impeached, did nothing of what he said he would do after his first election, somehow got people to belive him again, and gave pardens in exchange for money twords his library, his second fellony.

clinton is a liar and a criminal.

by Bob Hope III December 31, 2005

221πŸ‘ 285πŸ‘Ž


A man's penis that has a predominant rainbow like bend to the left. It should be noted that a "clinton" has a propensity to force it's self on women without their consent, (see rape). The "clinton" is also reported to have little or no contact with the "billary" (see bitch).

The only example of the "clinton" known to exist has been altered to prevent rape victims from identifying the owner of the "clinton".

by Chuck You Farley October 15, 2006

104πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž


A very cute and smart boy, Who is very fun to hang out with,He can be shy by under all that shyness his a fun and cool dude to hangout with and his hella hot. If you have a friend named Clinton your in luck he will make all your days better and he would be the best boyfriend he would make you laugh and make you think your the best if your boyfriends name is Clinton don’t loose him :) But ya DONT loose your friend named Clifton cuz then you would prob have no one quite as fun as him :)

Merissa:Jane I have a friend named β€œClinton” and he makes all my days better no doubt !!


by S.mhb October 24, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


He is a lying, immmoral president. He is praised by liberals for a great economy, although he did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to make it that way. The economy was in a boom and it is inncurrate to assocaite clinton with the boom, becuase he didn't do anyhthing to create the boom. He is also a treasonous president becuase he sold secrets to China. Most presidents fade away after their presidency, but Clinto refuses to do that decently and instead vadailized the white house offices, before he left office.

Clinton was great at worming his way out of his problems without actually solving them.

by Protest Warrior October 1, 2003

263πŸ‘ 365πŸ‘Ž


see lame... and... there you go

Clinton isn't even worth a pinch of dog shit... I should blow him apart with my magnum (you've gotta follow that link, I put a really good definition up for magnum)

by SHIBBY-ONE April 17, 2005

154πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž


A caring loving, romantic, cute guy.a sweet talker. The girls main man
Easy to fall in love with had to forget about him a natural born male prostitute. Always out to say things but can't do. Them. Don't easily fall in love.he has a special girl to. His πŸ’ž

Charmer Clinton

by Caring cute loving romantic August 17, 2018

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


bill clinton, a joke of president that rests his laurels on "eight years of peace and prosperity." = asshole and asshole = asshole

"Peace" does not equal having al Q'aida attack the US on multiple occasions (US embassy, US embassy, WTC 1st time, USS Cole). "Prosperity" does not equal the ridiculous illusion of a wild stock market ride based on a baseless dot.com economy. An economy that shriveled up to nothing - billions lost - without a whimper of acknowledgement from Billary. Losses so staggering, it makes economists wonder why Enron was such a big deal. The "prosperity" that the "Clintons" brag about so much, turned into nothing more than vapor. The Winners in the so-called "peace and prosperity" Clinton economy? Warren Buffet and other level-headed contrarians. Democrats. Rich People. Ask yourself what your 401K looked like after the Clinton economy. Hint: less than 60% of what it was before he took office. Fact.

Clinton is a shithead.

by schmoe December 7, 2007

66πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž