A huge waste of money. You'll spend assloads to get a worthless degree. Once you get out you will spend every single second of your day being harassed by the AES nazis while you're struggling to find a job. Don't laugh too hard at the guy at McDonald's flipping hamburgers you'll be there too once you graduate and more than likely he'll be your manager.
You also get the joy of listening to a bunch of dumbass ex-hippy professors try to fill your head with Communism and pointless dogma that's as worthless as tits on a bull in the real world.
Spending your student loan on lottery tickets is a more realistic goal than hoping to land a decent job with your degree.
Jim went to college and was a pompous ass thinking he'd get a great job out of it. Now he mows lawns.
408๐ 138๐
A place where High school graduates go after being told they would have a higher chance of getting a degree and a high paying job afterwards. This shit is the biggest lie and more then likely you'll be stressed from the course load and become depressed before second semester
Wow I thought when I came to college I would get my dick sucked and excel in class, now i'm stuck with a fuckton of debt and my grades are god awful. Please kill me.
a boring place of optional higher education, which often results in the careless abuse of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and certain situations involving some form of sex...
I was supposed to be in class but i got drunk and found some horny girl in the freshman dorms and got and gave her a dirty raccoon....MAN I LOVE COLLEGE
13๐ 2๐
A place to go where you can hear useless people pontificate on worthless topics. Seriously, all professors went into academia because the real world frightens them. If they actually had to go to a job that helped people or produced a viable product, well, that would just be hard work. I personally think that all professors ought to be replaced with talking sock monkeys.
Fred became a professor at a college because he was too much of an idiot to get a real job.
97๐ 33๐
An elaborate gamble in which the student and family spends shit loads of money and bets it all on the student's ability to obtain a degree and land a profitable job thereafter. The majority of college students don't get their money's worth out of it, hence the majority of college students come from middle class or above families.
Yeah, I heard Bob is wagering his life on college. By the time he's done, he'll have a $30,000 dollars debt, and I'll have a $100,000 surplus! HAHAHAHA
80๐ 26๐
The hallmark of a liberal cesspool. That's it
I can't believe how politicised college is, so many liberals and only one narrative
26๐ 8๐
A place where far-left teachers and professors trick young adults into thinking that education is the same as intelligence.
"They must know the answer... they've been to college."
13๐ 3๐