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Well, on a shcool trip me and my friends had to teake off our braceletes because we were about to do archery. Yes me and my friends listen to rock music and may be rockers but we aren't how you all think we are rockers are cool. Me and my freind were saying how strange it looked without our bracelets on. I asked a boy who i know who was in our activity group if we looked strange without them. (we usaully wear them) and he said your a greebo! WE looked at eachother confused. What does that mean?! i asked him and he said greasy haired rocker! I was hurt by this, my hair is no way greasy. Later on, still on the trip a Chav *shudders* apparently called my friend this, i told her if he said that to her again tell him atleast we know how to dress (as you probaly know chavs have a bad dress sense) she laughed. But i dont agree with this atall. In my opinion it's just a word they made up because they dont like us. Can't see why though because we are really nice people and theres nothing wrong with us. (Chavs) are obviously jealous of us lol. So to me Greebo is a offensive word used against people such as rockers. Its rubbish. Associated with people who don't take pride in their appearance. But we do. Most people do! They seem to think this of (rockers) etc like they are anti social and dont care about the way they look.UNTRUE. I do all the time. But thats just my opionion of what this word greebo means from my experiances.

Chav: "oi greebo"
Us: *confused just walks away it means nothing as its untrue*

by Bob lol not realli June 25, 2005

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A Word DirtChavscum Uses Just Because Some One Wears A Little Black Or Tight Jeans And Usually If You Arent A Chav And You Walk Aroud A Chav Infested Area Like A Town Centre,You Usaully Get Shouted At Like "Dirty Greeboo".some one who dosent give a donkey shit what peple thin about what they look like.

Dan The Chav:oooh,Look At That Durty Greebo,Lets Go Merk Him,Innit Blad.
Max(whispers To Louis):Look At Them Darn Chavs,Bet They're Gonna Run Away.
Louis(whispers Back):Yeah,Lets See
Max&Louis Walk Past
Chavs Get Scared Cos They Think That We Have The Devil On Our Side

by MaxMan Is Here! February 15, 2007

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people who have longish hair, wear baggy clothing and listen to heavy music. TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM PUNX, but we usually get on. have a habit of getting targetted by chavs/rudies/cunts cos they look a bit wierd and dont look hard. in this case, us punx, who look hard, must stand up adn tell em to fuck off because, however good they think they are, greebos DO NOT tell chavs to fuck off. if they do they get beat the shit into, which us punx dont cos we acctually fight. generally ok people, so leave them alone, espescially if they're hangin with punx.

Chav: ay look bled! some fukin greebo biatches, innit? lets cruise over and lick em up!
Greebos: oh shit. chavs.
Punx: Fuck off you cheap cunts, unless you want a bottle round your fucking head
Chavs: oh shit bled! hard ass mofos! split bled, split! before we iz done in like the cunts we are, beld!
Greebos: thanks
Punx: shutup and learn to fight man.


by trent April 19, 2005

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One of the most intelligent teenage groups around at the moment (save nerds and geeks) and are despised by Chavs for this. You can be called a Greebo for the rest of your life simply for disliking a singular Chav, because Chavs cannot distinguish between Greebos and other people. However in the main Greebos have long hair (unlike popular belief we do wash it) and tend to like decent music, rather that Chav hip hop and rap and pop and crap like that, we listen to anything that is of interest, not neccaserily Metal. Anything from REM to full on death metal entertains us, and we especially like music that has a meaning. We do not generally try to dissasociate with the main, just Chavs, so no burberry trackies. We dislike Chavs but just try to keep a distance. However they then beat the shitt into you for being a wuss and not fighting with them.

Chav: Hey bro, there be a Greebo, lets fukin' kick 'im in like, proper gangsta like.

(About 20 chavs surround 1 or 2 Greebos)

Chav: Wat the fuk r u doin Greebo.

Greebo: Sitting down trying to ignore the burbery shit that just landed nearby.

Chavs: Ahh fuk off bruv, u is dissin our style, u fukkin' greeb

Greebo: Yes, yes i am.

Chavs: AHHH, wat is he sayin', i'm confused by single syllables, ohh no!!!

(Chavs run away like schoolgirls)

(Greebo smirks to himself, having won another battle without getting up)

by The Greebo January 10, 2007

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Well it would seem that everyone thinks being a "greebo", "townie", "chav" or "goth" is very important, if i'm a greebo (and judging by most of this tripe i am) then a greebo is a creative person who doesn't enjoy having the crap kicked out of them. surly that just makes me a creative person who doesn't like violence? greebo is one of those terms like "chav" that are completly meaningless.

anyone "what the hell is a greebo?"

anyone else "its a b.s. term used to describe someone you can't describe"

anyone "oh really?"

anyone else "does it matter?"

Everyone "NO!"

by Makeshiftfill June 27, 2006

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Greebo has been disused in many ways, now it means to be somewhere between goth and punk, usually listens to metal/punk/rock WRONG!
The traditional meaning of greebo:
Split the word
Gree - bo
Gree - Greasy
Bo - Biker
Greebo- Greasy Biker
so therefore a greebo is a person who loves their motorcycle and spends hours tuning it and gets greasy in the process.

Townie: Oi ya f***in Greebo!!!
Unsuspecting Punk/Goth: WTF!
Townie: Yeah! You! F***in Gay BOI!
Greebo: *rides in on Harley Davidson* I'm The only F***in Greebo here! Now Pi** off ya sill T**T!
Townie: AH! NO!
Unsuspecting Punk/Goth: Erm... yeah... okay...

by Truth_Teller1234 November 24, 2006

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dont you sad people see that you shouldnt be a greebo or townie or whatever you should be whatever suits you wether it's seventies or goth but what is really pissing me of are those pople who put things like "greebos are people townies hate because they are cooler and better than them." Thats just pathtic because to me townies are better they are classy to me but I have plenty of mates wich are greebos and it just sounds as though you wont like sombody because they are wearing over priced nike trainers or a punk rock band you have never heard of on their sweater so i'm going to actually say what a greebo is without being any of those things.

A greebo (greb) is somebody who tends to wear clothing that is comfortable for them and is streotyped to enjoy listening to punk/metal/drum and bass when really they could like a veriaty including garage etc.

There were loads f townies and greebos hanging in the town

by nadia March 21, 2004

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