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silent laughing

Laughing so hard that the voice box shuts down and the body jerks around in spasmatic efforts to make a noise.

Anneliese, watching from her bed, was in the middle of one of those spasms of SILENT LAUGHING that wrack your body with convulsions and render you unable to make a single noise. You're like a whacked-out mime immitating a gleeful chimpanzee who just threw a handful of faeces at someone from behind the bars at the zoo.

by missbandit May 20, 2006

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Laugh attack

When a person/people laugh out loud non-stop for at least a good 3
to 4 minutes over something hysterical, funny or even silly. The person/people may start crying (joy) and shaking accompanied with a slight pain in the stomach and the ribs. They may have difficulty in speaking during a laugh attack.

The room rocked with laughter as Morgan, Grant, Aziz and Holden watched Monty Python's Flying Circus on Holden's flat screen TV. The guys were laughing hysterically,

each doubling over from a laugh attack which had gone on for a good 3 -5 minutes. Aziz was on the floor, cracking up, holding his ribs. Morgan tried to speak, but he was still having a laugh attack---he just shook his head, slouching on the couch, before putting his red face back in his hands.

by Babydoll75 March 8, 2019

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Love to Laugh

1) What people say about themselves when they have nothing to say.
2) A phrase used when someone states the obvious.

My online dating profile needs to describe myself. I love to laugh, have fun, and enjoy living. But then... doesn't everyone?

Hey, do you love to laugh?

by Noejuan July 17, 2012

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Barwhore Laugh

L-O-U-D, bawdy laugh from a woman that makes you stop what you are doing and look to see where it came from. It is not a giggle or a titter or a gradual build of laughter- it is LOUD and OUT THERE immediately. This laugh is typically heard in a bar environment from a chick that has drank too much and gotten too loud, but, it can also be heard in any situation where something is REALLY funny. Once you hear it, you'll know it forever.

Girl....you just Barwhore Laughed. Umm...the sermon's about to start, reign it in. Damn.

Hear that- somebody's Barwhore Laughing- I'll have what she's having.

by Roxie AKA LisaLeesaLisa January 16, 2011

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grinch laugh

A loud cackle resembling a motorcycle starting or the grinch laughing at the mayor seen in videos online.

Dang, she’s got such a grinch laugh I try not to tell jokes.

by Sirsnazzee22 June 29, 2018

Yoongi's Laugh

A New definition to Music and a sound to the word "Ethereal"

Yoongi's laugh Brightens up my whole world

by MyWorldYoongi December 12, 2018

The Laughing Dutchman

When you fart under the covers and pull the blankets over your partners head... then tickle them so they are forced to breathe deep in between bouts of laughter.... and tears.

Karen: Hey, smell this flower my boyfriend gave me!
Alyssa: I can't, Matt gave me the Laughing Dutchman last night and nothing has been right since...
Karen: Is that why you have been crying all day?
Alyssa: It was taco tuesday.

by Pink Eye in Both Eyes July 4, 2013