Ohio State’s bitch since 2001
Guy 1: “Dang bro, Michigan is getting slapped up by Ohio State again?”
Guy 2:”Yeah, kinda expected now”
2👍 4👎
Michigan is the only state in the United States of America where the majority of men are fags that would much rather blow another guy or take it in the ass than they would bang a hot chick, though you really can't blame them as the majority of women from there are fat ass pigs that usually wear flannel shirts and don,t shave their nasty crotch which often confuse the many queer lumberjacks because it looks so like the undergrowth of a uncut forest. All in all a state that should belong in Canada.
Dude, I was driving along and I found myself in Michigan and every woman there looked like a dude and every dude wanted to blow me or have me fuck em in the ass !! Stay away from Michigan !!
15👍 92👎
a place where your horoscope is correct more often than the weather channel
"independence day fireworks have been canceled due to heavy snow and low visibility"
2375👍 286👎
Once you get away from the cities and the cornfields, it's one of the prettiest states in the union. Check out the U.P., the Au Sable River, Torch Lake, Lake Michigan and many more areas.
Detroit's ugly, but Michigan is beautiful.
618👍 154👎
In hockey when your behind the net. You flip the puck on the blade of your stick and rap the puck around the net and put it top shelf.
I cant believe you did the michigan in that game.
23👍 5👎
1. a swing state for presidential elections...yeah, we matter!
2. consists of 2 peninsula's...yes, TWO. the u.p. is equally a part of michigan.
3. is not called the wolverine state because of the presence of wolverines...but because of their commitment and working like "wolverines" during the cold war.
4. state with some sweet colleges.
5. yeah, it's cold, but we like it!
6. we got all great lakes around us. beautiful, beautiful.
7. one word...pistons
8. we got the nimrods.
9. potholes-yes...unemployment? yes...
10. no state can be perfect, there are flaws, but michigan is an awesome state!
1. we vote democratic most of the time though.
2. the u.p. has the best stories.
3. we work hard, & it shows
4. michigan tech, central, concordia, ferris, michigan state, nmu, u of michigan (oldest state college in u.s.)
5. that's why you get complimentary gloves when you enter the lower peninsula.
6. if you stay anywhere in michigan, you are within 85 miles of a great lake.
7. so what if they didn't win the championship, they still got 2nd, they were defending champs and they lost in game 7, GAME 7!!
8. also, the bessemer speedboys and the kingsford flivvers were on the list for espn's high school names.
9. yeah, so what
10. worddd
913👍 358👎
One of the United States of America, 26th in the Union, with the longest freshwater shoreline in the entire world. Also, a person is never more than 6 miles from a natural water source, nor 85 miles from one of the Great Lakes. And most importantly, despite our tendency to truncate words, our accent forms what is called the "General American" dialect, or the one considered accent-less by the most people (although we do have some fun with words). Apparently, for people who can't spell, there are 23 different ways the residents of our state choose to spell its name. For what truly defines this state, I refer you below:
In MICHIGAN we have two seasons: WINTER, and CONSTRUCTION. 60 degree TEMPACHUR is occasion for shorts, T-shirts, and maybe a swim. We head UP NORTH to THE COTTAGE, which is anywhere north of the state's middle. The cottage is either some disintegrating cabin in the middle of BFE where we go to play EUCHRE, get drunk and THEN shoot deer; or it's a beach house that sleeps 22 and has its own marina. THE BEACH is Lake Michigan. THE LAKE is whichever Great Lake you are closest to. THE BRIDGE is MACKINAC and never ever pronounced "Mackinack." We have CIDDIES like GRARAPIDS, DihTROIH, Pah-NEEACK, BADDLE CRICK, an AnNARBOR. After coming home from THE PLANT we park our CAHRR in the GRAAGE and then pull A COLE ONE outta the FRIGERRAIDER. Otherwise we STAHP by the SEVENuhLeven an gedduh PAHP. Soda is something you bake with. We eat a SAMWICH, drink MELK, and have SHERBERT for dessert. We make a MICHIGAN LEFT and pass on the RIGHT. Driving the SPEED LIMIT warrants road rage. We blast through RUSH HOUR traffic at 85 mph past state troopers because they are looking for the guys doing 100. If we get pulled over we go to the SECRETARIAHSTATE. Our state bird is the MUSKEEDA which has been known to carry away cats and even small children. G's in verbs are always silent, R's are always hard, and we end our sentences with a PREPOSITION, like. T's in the middle of a word and not supported by another consonant are pronounced like a D, and when coupled with an "N", they get dropped like the useless energy-wasting consonants that they are.
<author unknown>
133👍 50👎