This (Jordan Peterson's most recent video with the military strategist) is the most blatant example of propagandists narrative construction I have ever seen.
Hym "And the purpose of narrative construction is to convince the audience to believe your delusion. So, let's take a look at the axioms of the narrative Jordan Peterson is trying to construct..."
Dr. JeepJorp "Hamas is using a human sacrifice strategy and making us violate the international rules of war."
Hym "No. It looks like Hamas' strategy was to take hostages and negotiate for rights and prisoners and it looks like the jews have been caught on several occasions lying about Oct 7, their goals, and their methods. They're not making you do anything. People either have to follow the international rules of war or the don't. Unless the rules are unjust in some way there's no reason for the Jews to be given an exemption."
Dr. JeepJorp "The Jews are a successful minority and are therfore a proxy for all successful people."
Hym "No, no one conceptualize the Jews as 'The quintessential successful minority' except for Zionist and their shills (Which is clearly Jordan Peterson). They invented their own morality, are the sole arbiters of when exceptions are allowed, and it's predicated on the blatant lie that they spoke to the creator of the universe. And NOW... They are actively running a propaganda campaign to ACTUALLY take credit for all of the 'good' things in society as though they aren't a delusion, genocidal, incest, slavery cult."
Fact or meme that is so radical it sets a new paradigm, or permanently alters perspective.
Donald worshiper is a real narrative buster.
To deliver facts that hurt my comfortable little bubble of idiocy.
Mike: I wish Republicans had at least the minimal level of respect for women and people of color...
Jen: Republicans picked up 10 seats in the House in the 2020 election. Most were women and people of color.
Mike: Don't fuck up my narrative!
slang term for hit video game fortnite. Also called the nay
yo hop on the narr later. It will be tuffington 2 and guffed.