This guy is an absolute ass wipe, he ruins relationships, pops up to any and every chick, makes all your good music sound shit, makes all clothes look like they came out of the garbage tips of Haiti, he is the most un-coordinated potato you will ever come across, has the IQ of a 2 year old, the memory of a gold fish, and a face of a cabbage patch kid.
Girl 1 : That ugly fuck was hitting me up last night, he begged me for nudes.
Girl 2: Oh yeah that's Damon Ore, horny fuck can't get any puss since his sister's friends stopped coming over.
The color of the Reddit upvote arrow
Please give me the ored arrows.
Yorkshire slang for "Give over"
Bob: "Gi' Ore, you're 'aving me on!"
Jim: "I'm telling thee, that train turned up early"
Covered, smothered, coated in ore. Also see Bukkak-ored.
Reference to being given a copious amount of Ore from all of your guildmates that you have no idea what to do or even what happened. Sometimes the quantity can be so great you forget what day it is. All you know is you need a bath afterward.
I just stood there and took the Ore Shower... it was bliss.
Another term for Kidney Stones
“I just passed the most painful Urethra ore”
A legendary ore of massive strength, said to be unbreakable. Often associated with diamond.
The tower was made of adamant ore.