Chef: *takes pufferfish out of the tank*
Chef: *feeds it carrots to prove it has a strong jaw*
Pufferfish: Augh
The act of not being able to hold one’s emotions and thoughts in, and is at the verge of bloating up like a pufferfish
He wants insider information so badly, but since it’s being withheld, he’s turning into a pufferfish.
Her fluffy puffy.
When one blows air into a woman's hairy vagina.
John: Cassey looks like she could use a pufferfish.
When you fart and follow through in a ladies mouth during a rimjob
I see Kayleigh dumped Brian again
Yeah, he accidentally gave her a Bootle Pufferfish
The Portuguese Pufferfish - the act where one must digest a Portuguese style breakfast, then proceed to fart in the mouth of a recipient (breathing it all in). Henceforth the person giving the Portuguese pufferfish will gently pinch the recipients nose, causing their cheeks to inflate like a pufferfish. Finally the pinch on nose is released and the “pufferfish” breathes out the fart then continues to state “mmmm spicy”
“Hey Brett after my breakfast I’m going to give you a Portuguese pufferfish” - Levi said
1) The source of tetra, a paralyzing agent (according to Law Abiding Citizen).
2) A short, spiky haircut for rich manly girls.
Guy-What happened to your head? Did you skin a caribbean pufferfish and put it on top of your head?
Girl-Um No, this is my real haircut, oh my god.
Guy-It goes well with the rat pelts you're wearing to stay warm this winter.
Girl-Oh my gaaaad, you're such a critic, I can see why you're single.