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loot skywalker

"star wars" reference regarding someone who attends a pop culture conference such as "comic-con' and exits with a lot of loot. (t-shirts, posters, hats, cd's, etc) someone who scores lots of free stuff at a sci-fi/fantasy conference or similar pop culture nerd-fest.

"man i got so much (loot) free stuff at comic-con yesterday i feel like loot skywalker!"

by lober July 10, 2009

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--Luke Skywalker--

Luke becomes a Jedi Knight, almost shacks up with his sister and defeats the Empire on a weekly basis. On his weekends he enjoys fishing and fucking around with his droid.
Before he was a Jedi Knight he was raised by some sand farmers. Apprently there's a big demand for sand on Tatooine.
Anyway that sister he almost shacked up with, Princess Laid-ahh, well she's doing a space pirate called Hand's Alone and he totally kicks ass. Back to the plot though, this dude call Old Dirty Ben is actually Obi Wan Ken-to-tha-Obi. He gives Luke a piece so that mofos on the street don't mess with him and teaches him how to work that thing.
One time he got in a fight with a Sand People guy (they were Sand Men, but the feminist took care of that) and totally kicked his ass. He got smoked by one in the first film but got his own back. It wasn't in the film, but its heavily implied. Pretty sure thats right.
Well later we learn his dad was a prick then he turned good for like 1 minute so that was supposed to make everything ok. I dunno. Luke almost kills him. Thats pretty fucked up. His dad cut his hand off too while they were on Jerry Springer. The show was like "My dad's a douche and blew up a planet" or something.
Luke learns shit from Yodel. He's like Kermit, but without the business sense. Kermit ran a tight ship on the Muppet Show. I don't how that Fuzzy Bear or whatever stayed on. I never got any of his jokes!
One time Luke Skywalker was on the Muppet Show. It's totally true! I'm pretty sure it's part of the storyline. It fills in the gap between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.
So in short Luke starts out a a bit of a dweeb but becomes fairly cool. He get an cool black costume, kicks ass with the lightsaber and can use the force to throw shit at stuff. I guess his dads not so bad. He was a total bad ass for a lot of the good trilogy. He was a dick in the latest three though.
Conclusion: --Luke Skywalker-- = dweeb to coolness

Peep 1: That guy is cool
Peep 2: Yeah, he was a dick, but now he's cool
Peep 35: He's like --Luke Skywalker--
Peep 522: He Luke Skywalkered on us!
Peep .5: W3rd!

(He's in the good Star Wars films. Not those stupid sequels.)

by CrazyPanda September 14, 2006

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Fluke Skywalker

Someone who does something correct by chance, but then claims to have done it on purpose.

1: Wow! what a fluke!
2: Nah mate, I meant to do that.
1: Of course, Fluke Skywalker. Of course.

by broofmo February 23, 2017

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Luke Skywalker

After sex you cum on the face of your partner then cut off their RIGHT hand while yelling, "I am your father!"

Man, I totally got to do the Luke Skywalker to this girl last night.
Did you have the Millenium Falcon ready?
Of course not.

by The Three Horsemen January 15, 2011

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Anakin Skywalker

A chubber of a boy who was found on Tatooine by Qui-Gon Jinn. He believed everything he heard deep space pilots say, engaged in dangerous races in spacecraft he claimed to build, believed Jedi could never die, took strange men home with him, developed crushes on hot women twice his age, and was a slave- er- a person, and his name was Anakin.

After Qui-Gon used his force powers to cheat on a dice roll and then influenced the outcome of the race (how else could a kid who's never actually finished the race before WIN against the greatest racers in the galaxy?), Anakin was freed from his slavery.

He was then taken from his mother (who had given birth to him without having slept with any man... YEEEEAAH RIIIIIGHT) to be trained as a Jedi. But apparently, ten was too old to be trained, so he was then taken into the middle of a war on some garden planet that everyone made a big stink about. He accidentally destroyed a Trade Federation ship which none of the elite pilots could get close to doing. Lucky bastard (no really, he was lucky, and he was the the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents).

He was then taken as the Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi (who only trained him because it was the last wish of his dying master Qui-Gon Jinn).

It is important to note in this part of the story that one of Anakin's abilities to age ten years in the same time it takes Obi-Wan to grow a beard.

Both of them do just that while everyone else stays exactly the same.

Anakin resumes his attempted romance with the beautiful Padme, but is turned down as he was when he was ten. But she still had his plastic trinket he made for her! There was still hope!
So Anakin took her from the well-guarded facilities of the Coruscant capital to a primitive country-side where she was virtually unprotected. He did this for her protection of course.
While in the countryside, Anakin's feelings grew for her as her clothes began to become more revealing and tighter with each scene.

Anakin proceeded to say tons of corny crap and talk about dictators, all of which somehow swayed Padme in her feelings, so she began to love him.
Then he kissed her, and got pissed at her about it.
She refused to engage in sexual relations with him and he began whining.

Both then proceed to get captured on a planet across the galaxy, where they profess their undying love to one another right before their execution.
Padme gets cut perfectly across the middle by a rat monster in a way that reveals her bellybutton and abs just right, which completes her skin-tight outfit's appeal, coming close to rivaling Leia's bikini in Return of the Jedi (the right monster should become a Hollywood fashion designer); and Anakin loses an arm.

Both are married.

Then Anakin turned to the dark side over one nightmare in which Padme dies. He did this in an attempt to save Padme, which is kind of ironic considering he later strangles her to near death (but don't worry, in a last minute revision, George Lucas decided that she should die of... lack of will to live? So Anakin's not to blame... apparently).

Anakin got fried after failing to beat his former master (which is kind of funny considering Anakin beat Count Dooku, who Obi-Wan had previously not coming close to even touching, in a minute as well as being the acclaimed 'most powerful Jedi').
I suppose it's cause Obi-Wan had the higher ground.

Anakin then became Darth Vader, and went around blowing up planets.

"I want more, and I know I shouldn't! He's holding me back! No, he's not! He's a great mentor! Like a brother and a father! No, I hate him! He's jealous! He's evil! No, I love him!
I feel as if everything is going wrong!
My loyalty to the emperor and the council leave me feeling torn and conflicted!
Padme, kiss me, or I will feel neglected!"

Geez, man, will this guy ever quit whining?

Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader. Darth Vader is Luke's daddy.
Oh, and that's a spoiler.

by STJosh May 2, 2007

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anakin skywalker

The origin of all sexiness. The highlight of the God-like beauty of today's media. His lightsaber is mighty fine. Has mad combat skillz.

If only my boyfriend had the cat-like agility and killer good looks of Anakin Skywalker...

by Margarita Washington April 9, 2007

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Ben Skywalker

This is a term commonly used to describe one of those fans of Star Wars who has absolutely no grip on reality.
This may or may not be because of Star Wars. Other influences may include drugs, upbringing, and general stupidity.
You can spot a Ben Skywalker by how they argue.
If arguments tend to devolve into something like this:
"I think you are wrong because your opinion is unfounded and completely lacks evidence!"
"May the force be with you!"
You are probably arguing with a Ben Skywalker.
Ben Skywalkers tend to have little or no common sense, and are unwelcome just about wherever they go.
Other than being obnoxious fanboys, they are extremely opinionated, and love to start pointless arguments about the molecular components of the Millennium Falcon's warp drive.
They constantly complain about nobody responding to their e-mails or Private Messages, are just LOOKING for perma-bans at any intellectual forum, and are a general nuisance.
If you see a Ben Skywalker, prepare to either run or suffer a massive IQ drop.

BEN SKYWALKER: "Do people who work at Game Informer get to play Xbox Live?"
PERSON: "A question that stupid could only be asked by a Ben Skywalker."

PERSON: "You're an idiot."
BEN SKYWALKER: "The force is not strong with you."

by The GI Consensus October 5, 2005

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