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While playing Beer Pong, one who either throws the beer out (without anyone seeing) or taking entirely too long to drink the beer, also known as a pussy

Stop spoon'in that beer you pussy and take your next shot

by LoneRanger23 June 14, 2007

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.A word used in place of words such as fool, idiot noob, twat etc.
2.A piece of cutlury

1.Person A: Damn i lost my Barney the dinosoar dvd
Person B : Ha you spoon

2.Hey can i spoon you

by spoonshead May 10, 2007

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A nicer word but with the same meaning as 'fuck'

Spoon You!!
Spoon Me!!
Spoon this shit!!

by Lexy October 18, 2003

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A bowl used to smoke dank marijuana buds, usually glass, and a spoon shape, inside out spoon, double blown,many diff types, ...good hitting bowl

Yo, pack up some nuggs in my glass spoon bowl, and we can start a lil puff puff give, you drop it ,...im fucking your world up

by Dank BUdz November 3, 2003

5๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who is so extremely stupid you want to kick them repeatedly in the balls.

Argh will you shut up you spoon!

by Raymondulous December 15, 2005

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To spill or drop - often used in relation to the spilling of marijuana.

Dangerous Dave: The weeds on the table man, don't spoon it.
Scary Sam proceeds to knock the weed all over the floor...
Dangerous Dave: Naaaaaaaaaah man you spooned it....shit....man...fucks sake...

by benthebest June 9, 2007

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A person who is considered an idiot and a bit stupid

' Can't you even do up yer own coat?, you spoon?'

by secondskin July 25, 2008

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