A non-lethal weapon that can easily be slapped away or taken out of someone. Basically useless against someone with a weapon.
Person: *refuses*
Officer: *tasers them*
Person: *slaps*
Person: *runs toward officer*
Officer: "So anyways I started blasting"
A Boy/Girl that is a really good or teaser or too teaser
Goddamn ur "Teaser like a taser"
This girl tease me so much. She's "Teaser like a taser"
When a Person is really good at teasing or too teasing.
Goddamn ur "Teaser like a taser"
This girl is teasing me so much, she's "teaser like a taser"
Taser-brain is when anxiety buzzes in ones brain, making them go back and forth on a decision rapidly.
“I got total taser-brain while I was trying to call in for work, I Ended up calling in the end.”
When someone has a plummers crack and you stick a finger in their crack, and twisting your finger in magnitude of direction.
Judy had a plummers crack and Jim Tennessee Tasered her in the kitchen.
The act of gathering enough static electricity and tapping a woman's clitoris or nipples.
I gave her the old taser tap and she came like crazy. {clitoris} {static} {electricity}