Source Code

Bootleg Fireworks

The worst idea. Ever.

Reekris! Shit! Oh lawd jesus! Bootleg fireworks motherfuckin shit!

by reekris August 17, 2011

43๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

pelvic fireworks

An uncommon, but highly appreciated, pleasure-extreme; the product of skillful, attentive and intuitive physical intimacy tradecraft.

Yah, baby! That's how it's supposed to feel...gotchu some pelvic fireworks right there; won't walk right for days!

by YAWA June 23, 2019

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

illegal fireworks

Fireworks you buy over county or state lines and bring back for fun.

We smuggled illegal fireworks into the county.

by Ron_Thornbrash May 24, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tijuana Firework

When you shit and vomit at the same time.

Don't drink the water, it gave me some nasty Tijuana fireworks

by TequilatTittyTwister June 29, 2015

White Firework

When you *ejaculate* underwater and it starts to *float* it's called a "White Firework*

I was underwater with my goggles on until I saw some *White Fireworks*

by BigPenisBlackMan March 15, 2022

creator's fireworks

A way in which people from southern states like Texas, Oklahoma and Alabama say "Lightning"

Hey y'all come look at the sky! We got some creator's fireworks!

by Sheik Bluntstone February 18, 2017

firework powder

The correct way to say 'gunpowder' is firework powder.

Many people do not know this as it was only finalised a short while ago due to an incident of someone throwing up their liver (yikes!)
Phil Knight, the smart person who changed the name said that 'people have benefited greatly from this change of awful wording'

Grace: iT's GuNpOwDeR nOt FiReWoRk PoWdEr!
Sane person: actually it is firework powder you idiot

by Let me hear you say wayhoo November 5, 2019