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Jedi Dread

A single dreadlock in the underside of your hair near or behind the ear similar to the Jedi (Padawan) Braid

Cool Person #1: Dude, look at that chick's dreadlock! That's sick!
Cool Person #2: Yeah man, that's a Jedi Dread!

by wecameasmexicans March 8, 2011

The Last Jedi

The eighth film in the main Star Wars saga, that divided Star Wars fans, with those who disliked the movie being extremely vocal on the internet, especially directing hate towards Rian Johnson, the director. Many fans have campaigned for Disney to remake the movie, with some petitions passing their signature goals by thousands. One thing from the movie unites fans however. The Canto Bight scene is really poor.

Me: Idk, I kinda liked The Last Jedi.
Literally everyone: Oi. Fuck off! You’re the only one who thinks that!

by SevenGillShark August 25, 2018

69πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

The Last Jedi

What you see when you look down into the base of the toilet after a fierce session of fiery diarrhoea.

Man 1: Oh no! I didn't make it to the john in time! Now The Last Jedi is all over my kitchen floor...

by TheDefinerOfThingsUndefined January 23, 2018

135πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

jedi pimp

1. A type of pimp, who's game stays wrapped so tight the ladies get wet from the sound of his voice. Thus called a Jedi mind trick.
2. Someone trained in the martial art of fucking alot of sluts.
3. A man useing such tools as a bag full of game, the slut scope, and the ever popular 'LD', has the ability to pull multiple hat tricks, and even the the ocassionally four bagger.

Oh shit, grab your girls a Jedi Pimp just walked in.

by Quik JPS master September 19, 2003

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Jedi Cunt

When someone calls you a β€˜Sith Cunt’, this is a opportunistic time to reply with Jedi Cunt, in the Star Wars Universe.

β€˜Shut up, you’re such a Jedi Cunt Said Palpatine’

by AstrayMind98 March 26, 2020

The Last Jedi

(1)The feeling when β€œstudying” for 2.5 hours for a test when after the 2.5 dreadful hours you realized that you jam packed so much useless information in your head that you learned nothing and it was a complete waste.

(2)Opening the biggest Christmas present you have only to find out that your β€œfunny” uncle put a box of tissues inside multiple larger boxes to wipe your tears away once it’s all unwrapped over.

John: What did you do last weekend? I ate an m&m thinking it was a skittle. It was the most disappointing thing ever.
Billy: Oh man, sounds like you saw the Last Jedi.

by imdaddrmaster December 16, 2017

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Jedi Run

This is a way of deciding seating in a vehicle. Once the driver proclaims "Jedi Run!", the passengers must sprint to the car. The first person to touch the front passenger seat door handle is victorious, and the seat is theirs. This trumps a "Shot gun", as the driver has final say so on who sits where, unless he is driving in replacement of one of the passengers, who is the actual owner.

Any arguments over the winner are up to the driver's decision.

Passenger 1: Shot gun!
Passenger 2: Damn it!
Driver: Jedi Run!

Both immediately sprint to the door, where upon passenger 1 touches the handle first, thus affirming his seat in the front.

by ChimeraScythe December 1, 2006

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