other name for the Vatican.
from a bible verse(revelation 17)
Babylon the Great(Mother of Harlots and of Earths Abominations)is a huge mystery in the biblical book of Revelations
N. A particularly hardy pair of cojones which are capable of enduring great pain; usually found on Eskimos
guy 1 "Dude... they've been trying for half an hour to sac that guy..."
guy 2 "Don't you know he's Eskimo?"
guy 1 "He's got a pair of Abominable Snowballs then!"
guy 2 "Why abominable?'
guy 1 "Because Abominables bounce!"
guy 1 "........"
A Casserole made from random and usually unfitting ingredients. It’s common for abomination casserole to be made from leftovers in the fridge. Abomination casserole tends to be made by White moms, taste bad, and at some point inedible.
Karen is bringing “Abomination Casserole” to the potluck.
A derogatory term for a train animation. Coined by the hypocrite Ender Bean TV
Ender Bean TV, why do you call your train animations turd abominations, if you're the one making them?
White ass monkey who acts like a whore
Hannah over there is an abomination, should live in the streets
Abomination- divergence or bastardization of the natural order, humanity or societal orthodoxy that causes feelings of digust, distate or revulsion
The Webster’s dictionary definition is an abomination to the words true meaning