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Girls that love to suck on long dicks for fun.

Look at that blond.

by Corey Pittman December 2, 2003

492๐Ÿ‘ 486๐Ÿ‘Ž


(1) All "blonde" is is a light hair color. The hair color of "blondes" range from a dark gold (dirty blonde) to bleached hair color (pretty much white). People at my school will be brunette in reality, but will try to pass off as being blonde by saying they are dirty blonde since at our school the more popular and more prettier students are all blonde.
(2) Jessica Simpson is the perfect stereotype blonde. She makes me aggravated because some people look to her to see how "blondes" are when, in truth, hardly anyone is as ditzy as her. Jessica Simpson is blonde (obviously), beautiful, has a great figure, and is so stupid she thought buffaloes had wings and chicken of the sea was chicken, not tuna. That is how the average person perceives blondes (beautiful and stupid). In fact, I have altered my personality many a time before to please people by letting them think that their opinions of blondes is correct. (Hint: It's not!)

(1) She nervously ran her fingers through her long, golden blonde hair.

(2)A blonde in class: But, Mr.Jones, I still don't understand it.
Mr.Jones: Well, Ashley, what don't you--
Another student: Mr. Jones, I would just give up now- she's a blonde, she'll never get it.
**With names changed, this has happened before at my high school.

by a Non-Stereotype-Blonde June 22, 2005

30๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


A hair color. Any shade of gold, in fact. Some blondes even have brown hair...Or at least they're brunettes that have been considered blondes. Me? I'm a natural blonde, and seldom have I ever came across a "blond" insult/joke directed at me. However, I've had several encounters with those worthless STEREOPTYPES, hanging around the halls, squealing over NOTHING (gaah...Loud noises...Eek!)and talking over mindless FOOL matters. Worthless conformists! Thanks to YOU, all lame, pathetic jokes are directed towards US! And you're not even BLONDE, you walking wads of chemicals! But you are here to serve a purpose...TO MAKE ME FEEL SUPERIOR!!!
Which I am, thank you! *Beaming grin*

Seeing how the vast majority of the world has black hair, I'd say it's the black-haired people who are stupider on average.

by Amber Almighty December 29, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hair that reflects sunlight instead of absorbing it. Many celebrities are known to bleach their hair this color in order to attract attention. Natural blondes are far and few. There are some blondes in places you wouldn't except, like the Berbers of Morocco, or villages in the Middle East because it's a recessive gene that exists in many ethnicities, not just white people. Might be extinct in 200 years because blonde people are too busy getting drunk and being promiscuous to have children...

Jon: Save the blondes!
Ali: Why?
Jon: Because they are hot.
Ali: You're superficial.
Jon: I know. Why are they so hot?
Ali: ...
Ali: Well, what about redheads? They are probably going to be extinct faster.
Jon: Hmm...name one goodlooking redhead.
Ali: ...

by ballerr86 February 28, 2009

27๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


A hair color....an excuse for being dumb...When it is really the smarter version of human...They're are the kind of people in this world the orginal blonde, The haters, and the wanna-be blondes....Everyone Dyes there hair to be blonde or they say mean stuff about them becasue they are JEALOUS...Most Blonde are sexy,hott cute, and every guys wants them blonde hair blue eyed girls

Megan is a Hot blonde chick every guy wants.

by Megarooz November 25, 2005

64๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


a female or male with a golden or yellowish haircolor that does not affect your intelligence (i am blonde and i skipped 2 grades ha ha hah ha)

I am smart blonde

by Maddie April 6, 2004

40๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


A condition affecting women at major universities across the united states. Symptoms include hair color becoming blonde, regardless of actually color, excessive use of white girl gangsta language, enlarging of the breasts, decrease in appetite and overall intelligence, narccissistic behavior as well as acute nymphomania and concurrent short-term memory loss. Rampant in Sorority houses. Normal onset is Sophmore year. Only cure is distance from any major university

"Allie has succumbed to the Blonding. She's just not the same person anymore."

by Johnny_Reb May 20, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž