A fictional automobile resemblant of a VW beetle, but six storeys high and equipped with seating on every level. Windshield is bullet proof (for an additional fee of $27) and spans the entire height of the car. Costs much less than a luxury sedan and very comfortably seats 24. Available in one of 17 different shades.
"We took the New England Patriots to their game in the Tower Bower yesterday."
• Poacher of Pastries
• Slayer of Fakes
• Destroyer of every soul unfortunate enough to face her on the soccer field
also low key a vampire
Arabidopsis Control: Oh my glucose, is that Kaitlin Bower?! We need to get out of here!
Arabidopsis Variable: *wheeze* I-I can’t do it, son... I don’t know what they’ve been putting in my water but it ain’t easy on the cells. *wheeze*
Arabidopsis Control: No! I can’t leave you behind! I won’t just let my dad die!
Arabidopsis Variable: Just *cough* just go on without me, son. Enjoy the next 3 weeks of your life in peace.
Arabidopsis Control: M-maybe you’ll be ok? She’s only supposed to be weeding today, s-so maybe you’ll just be relocated.
Arabidopsis Variable: Do you remember the last time she tried to weed us?! Did you forget the September massacre?!?! Just face it, son, im a goner...just go...
Arabidopsis Control: b-but maybe-
Arabidopsis Variable: GO!!!
Kaitlin Bower: *snaps*
Half our Arabidopsis: *dies*
A Siberian Wooly Husky that was birthed by a homosexual couple in Georgia. Oakley was adopted by a married couple in Hagerstown, MD. Oakley likes to aggresivley hunt small game animals and chew bully sticks. He loves walks and spending time with his best friend woody the wood pecker. Even though he is very aggressive and possessive over food and literally every material item. He also loves to complain about his living conditions.
Look theres Oakley Bowers! He has a ground hog in his mouth!
Shyiem is the realist black nigga in America
It should be used when you are talking about real nigga I like dang that boy Shyiem bowers got them percentage
We completely got you, we win you lose, game over, you played yourself.
Mrs. Bowers you lose
John bowers: a very gay kid that will do anything for some gay dick but will persistently say no homo until he is satisfied with his decision.
That guy is such a mf john bowers
The #1 candidate for the Class of 2018 student council. Loves long strolls on the beach and puppies. Especially puppies.
"Who did you vote for in the student council election?" "I voted for Gretchen Bowers, of course."