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Capital City:

Unlike the largely white Hartford once run by clubby Yankee businessmen everyone called the Bishops, Perez's Hartford is a city of minorities, many from Jamaica and Puerto Rico, with the largest percentage of Latinos north of Miami and east of the Mississippi. A way station for suburban-bound immigrants, Hartford has a homeownership rate of less than 25% -- the nation's second-lowest, after Newark, N.J. Thirty-one percent of its 125,000 residents live in poverty. Only Brownsville, Texas, ranks lower.

we in tha beat nigga

by alkatraz November 15, 2004

44๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best of the 50 states in the United States of America. Many of the country's, and the world's, richest residents reside in Connecticut. Connecticut is home the smartest people and the colleges and universities that educate them (such as Yale University). Connecticut is also the best state for athletics. Uconn is continually one of the top dogs in college sports. Even yankee Mark Texiera lives in Connecticut. Many actors and actresses call Connecticut home because of all that it has to offer. In addition, Connecticut is the pizza capital of the world. Pepe's, Sally's, Modern, and many other superb pizza places are located in Connecticut. No one actually dislikes Connecticut. However, many are jealous.

How is he so awesome?

He's from Connecticut.

Oh, that explains it.

by qwerty132065 April 18, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


Connecticut is a nice state. If you are the one of the idiots who thinks that it is all rich than you need to leave Fairfield County and roll down your tinted Beamer windows. Or just come to visit from another state. Hartfor id the ghetto and all of the mill towns are for working men and women and sometimes welfare takers. If your are from California your state sucks and you are paying way too much for real estate so don't say shit about CT. Watch out for those wildfires maybe you should get an IQ like as high as a person from CT and stop putting your houses in the middle of the forest without a fire break or on a cliff that is prone to mudslides. You forgot about all of the shitty cities that you have. LA's ghetto is almost as big as CT. Ct is way better than Cali anyday. Our girls have real titties they may be ugly but they are real. I grew up in CT NW corner - Go Yankees. Since I moved to Texas I miss Snow (not shoveling it), grinders, driving on the highway, raggies, package stores, and getting cocked. Texans just don't understand. The unly subs we have in CT are in New London. I wish it was illegal in everystate to talk on the cell phone while driving.

Where you from?
Your a rich boy arn't you.
No, I grew up in a factory town.
damn yankee!
I kick your fucking redneck ass I got plenty of practice in CT public school ( the only place where you learn how to spell and learn how to fight)

by Stevehatestx November 20, 2007

42๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž


The state people try to hate on or don't know the geographical location of and secretly wish they were from. Jealousy runs deep once someone finds out you're from the land of nutmeg and Franklin Giant Grinder and they aren't. Those who can, go to Connecticut. Those who settle for mundane and average stay in some god forsaken hell hole somewhere else.

person 1: hey where are you from?
person 2: Connecticut?
Person 1: I'm gonna just give up on life because im not from such a cool place.

Person 2: Don't be so hard on yourself..not all of us can come from the best state. It really must suck being you though.

by mrmackie October 13, 2009

43๐Ÿ‘ 152๐Ÿ‘Ž


Some stuff you ought to know about Connecticut:

-Let's set the record straight, Connecticut is not really New England, go to Massachusetts if you want the real New England (but would you really want to deal with those awful Masshole drivers?)

-All the "New England" this or that crap in the state is fake, less than ten years old, and pushed by the state government in order to attract New Yorker tourists and there money, just like the Indian Casinos in the redneck part of the state (see Eastern Connecticut).

-Let's be real it's more like New York (Mid-Atlantic) than any New England state.

-It has many guidos (New Haven area, cough cough)

-It has lots of Jews (West Hartford's more Jewish than Tel-Aviv)

-It IS diverse (aka the anti-Vermont)

-Relatively well-integrated, at least compared to racist, overly Irish Boston

-It is fast-paced

-It has great (New Haven style) pizza. Boston sucks at making pizza, freckle-faced ginger massholes.

-Lot's of bids here are pretty.

-West Conn people say MAD, East Conn fag boston wannabes say WICKED every chance they get.

-It's not called a fucking Packy, it's either a bodega or a liquor store.

-Hartford and Springfield are NOT twin cities. Hartford wants nothing to do with the even shittier, more pathetic Springfield, Mass.

-Many people take advantage of the proximity to NYC and shop, go to ball games, see shows, and eat at the best restaurants in the world.

-No one goes to Boston unless they want to get drunk and beat up black people with Irish, freckle-faced, ugly, pimply, masshole, ginger red sux fans.

-Everyone ought to hate the Gaytriots, especially after they teased Hartford then retracted their plans to move there, because Hartford was not New England enough.

-People tend to like New Jersey better than Massachusetts. Who cares how it smells, people in Jersey won't hate you and be snobby, WASPY, elitist shits like any masshole would.

-People really aren't that snobby. And those that are, they can go fuck themselves. If you act snobby, you will be compared to Bostonians (Red Sox fan massholes), because they are snobby, do you really want that?

-If you live west of the Connecticut River, you root for NY teams.

-If you are a minority, you root for NY teams (Boston is too damn racist... if you don't believe me, just Google "boston racist").

-If you live east of the Connecticut
River, you root for Boston teams and pretend to live in Massachusetts.

-If you like the Red Sox and live in Yanks territory (West Conn) you are VERY rude and vocal about it.

-If you like the Yanks and live in Red Sox territory (East Conn) you are quiet and unassuming--you don't want to piss off the drunk, belligerent asshole Boston fans.

-East of the river is the only part of the state that can be argued as being part of the true New England. People here are ornery and reserved (nice way of saying parochial) like Massholes.

-Most people in the state live in Western Connecticut (more populated and industrialized)

-The majority of the population lives in metro NYC (Fairfield, Litchfield, and New Haven counties combined)

-It's true that many people are wealthy, but many are also impoverished.

-There ARE indeed rich people outside of Fairfield County.

-Long Island Sound can be dirty in areas.

-People are real, unlike Fakeifornia.

-Nobody in this state (meaning YOU eastern Connecticut) liked the Red Sox prior to 2004.

-Hartford and Bridgeport are very dangerous. Waterbury and New Haven are also pretty bad, but not as much as those two.

-Hartford isn't a city, it's a big shitty town. New York is a city. Nobody in West Conn cares about Boston.

-Central Connecticut gets overrun on weekends by New Yorkers, New Jersyans, Rhode Islanders, and Massholes who like to shop here and not at their own fucking stores.

-An enormous wall should be built to keep the Massholes out, that, or $50 tolls to get in from Massachusetts.

Tourist: Connecticut is quintessentially New England.
Me: No it ain't. Massachusetts is a shithole we DON'T want to associate with.
Tourist: How would you know?
Me: I fucking live there.

by I am from this state. April 11, 2009

49๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž


Were from ct and were not rich. were from hard hittin new britain and were on welfare just like tha rest of the god damn city,and we alsogo to New Britain High one of the worst high schools on the east coast. 4000 kids and 10 fights a day 2 bomb threats and a Uzi a day. When people say CT is rich I say drive through New britain and ull change ur mind.This is what the students of New britain high school wear each day "RIP Chico" "RIP Shaniqua". my frend has 3 kids- shes 15.

You know your from New Britain when.....

-When lock-doens are a daily thing at school.
-When drug dealing is a hobby
-When yor freshman class has 1,000 kids then on graduation day there is 200
-Whens there 6 cops watching you eat at your lunch table
-When people ask yor where you from you say New Britain :they run:
-When theres hookers on evey corner
-When eveyone has a pitbull

RIP Chico, RIP Rashaun, RIP J-hud, RIP pedro

You live in New Britain,Connecticut?

Have you been shot,jumped,or car-jacked?etc etc

by OG snowflake and D-Lant September 17, 2006

41๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž


That random state nobody really cares about between Boston and NYC.

-When Tom drove to New York from Boston, he had to stop in Connecticut to get some gas, and pick up some food.

by thisisme45123 March 4, 2010

37๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž