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Gun control

The Best idea America never passed. Common sense legislation that has repeatedly been blocked by the terrorist organization known as the NRA (National Rifle Association), a group much worse tha their sister group, the IRA (Irish Republican Army). Simply put, Gun control is the idea that psychopaths, neo-nazis, and other quote "american boy" groups shouldn't be allowed possesion of weapons like Ausalt Rifles, Flamethrowers, RPGs, Grenades, Sub-machine guns, Mini-guns, Sniper Rifles, high capacity magazines, and other weapons that would only make sense as the possesions of someone intent on mass murder or the establishment of a para-millitary force, like the NRA and IRA. Unfortunatly, these terrorists have managed to worm their way into the American government by convincing politicians that if they vote for gun control they'll be booted out of office. This is also one of the reasons that America is a laughing stock abroad, due to our lagging mental capacity in seeing that mass shootings couldn't happen without massive access to weapons, and our obsesion with the idea that everyone is going to drag an AK-47 and full boy armor around everywhere they go, and that his behavior is in some way normal. Yes, people kill people, but gun's help them do it.

No significant examples of gun control due to the actions of the NRA, but here are some things it could have helped prevent:





by devalyn14 August 29, 2012

839๐Ÿ‘ 9775๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gun Control

A from of Control centered around the Ownership of Arms intended to disarm a Population of the only thing keeping them free and not subject to radical legislation such as Socialism or Fascism.

Gun Control is also a favorite among dictators throughout history such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, and Kim Il-sung which they used to enact policy's that killed over 100 million people through Starvation, Persecution, Prison Labor, and Mass Executions.

Mao Zedong killed over 80 Million people in the Great Leap Forward after passing Gun Control

by WarFrog___935 April 6, 2023

4998๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gun Control

1. To use a firearm in such a way as to accuratly hit your target.

For better gun control, use both hands and hold your breath before firing.

by HiddenKrypt November 11, 2004

287๐Ÿ‘ 337๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gun Control

The idiotic idea that we can keep law-breakers from breaking laws by creating even more laws.

Proponents for gun control think that making more laws restricting gun ownership will lessen gun violence. But people who actually FOLLOW laws aren't the people you need to worry about owning guns. Ergo, tighter gun control negatively affects law-abiding citizens while giving criminals who buy through the black market a distinct advantage over them... pretty stupid concept.

by redeyegrits October 16, 2014

265๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gun Control

Hitting what you aim at

"Hey, Do you believe in Gun Control"
"Yes, Yes I Do"
"Are you coming to the march this Saturday?"
"No, I'm gonna shoot some guns"
"That's not gun control"
"Gun Control is hitting what is aim at idiot"

by xSnickerz March 24, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gun Control

One of those issues that, regardless of your stance, pisses you off whenever it gets brought up.

Person A: "You know, I really think gun control is-"
Person B: "You shut the FUCK up!"

by ColeYote January 17, 2013

10๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gun Control

Type of legislation advocated primarily by big government proponents and "liberal" (sub)urban sheep who apparently think that it's a better idea to call the cops and wait up to fifteen minutes for them while some jerk is stealing your stuff, killing your spouse/kids/you, instead of shooting him dead before he gets the chance to. Gun control isn't always aimed at outlawing guns or certain types of guns, but putting (usually) silly restrictions on where a gun owner can keep their firearm in relation to the accessability to children, ammunition, etc.

As far as banning guns, well, drugs like weed, coke, LSD, and a whole lot more are currently illegal, and look how many KIDS, let alone adults, use that stuff. Hell, a few years ago in Washington DC, 69 per 100,000 were murdured via gunfire in one year, while, in the same year, 9 per 100,000 were murdured via gunfire in Indianapolis, a city with comparatively minimal gun control. And don't cite the gun accidents that occur every year to try and justify taking away everyone's guns. People get into car accidents due to drunkeness every year, so why don't we ban alcohol and cars? In fact, whenever someone dies as a result of mishandeling a purchaseable product, let's ban that product! Yeah, that makes sense! Humanity will be back to 10,000 BC in no time!

God knows that M-16s are machineguns, Colt 1911s are "assault weapons," and any gun that fires a higher caliber than "BB" is capable of "mass destruction." No one (except the Loving, Caring, All-Knowing State, of course) should be allowed to possess such horrible tools of destruction, because the common man is just too stupid and ignorant to operate them properly. And besides, what does the common man need them for anyway? It's not like someone is ever going to break into their home with ill intent, or that the government would ever abuse it's power and do a nation-wide purge of "socially-dangerous individuals" is it???

by Mob_Triggerman November 29, 2004

181๐Ÿ‘ 367๐Ÿ‘Ž