Source Code

25th hour

25th hour means it's too late to get something accomplished, meaning it's "too late" and time has run out. Some might say it's the last time something can get done.

He is in his 25th hour.

by binit_patel May 9, 2016

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mush hour

1. a situation where you find yourself behind two or more fat people walking really slow through a confined area with no way around them. Usually they are totally oblivious to the fact that anybody else exists.

Unfortunately, the all-you-can-eat buffet had just ended and the hallway was long, narrow, and jammed with 300lb lard asses. There was no was around them. I was stuck in "mush hour".

by Fotofly November 24, 2010

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hours on end

An expression which means a long time.

That play was so long, was just hours on end.

by gleenn May 5, 2017

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After Hours

Not to be confused with all-nighter

An annual competition to stay up from 12:00 AM until the sunrise of that day. Usually goes past sunrise to determine the winner. notably occurs online through instant messaging or voice calls. lack of activity after 30 minutes results in disqualification. Can also be implemented in person.

1: Are you guys ready for the 3rd annual After Hours?
2: Yes I am! I will will this year.
1: Doubt it.

by Junobright July 3, 2020

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vampire hours

When someone keeps vampire hours they are awake all night and sleep all day. They are unreachable by phone, text or social media during daylight hours when the rest of their friends are up.

Now that Jody is unemployed she's been keeping vampire hours and is never awake in time to go to lunch or start some day drinking.

by smonkey81u812 July 13, 2011

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shower for an hour

To shower for an hour means to jerk off in the shower. Usually people say "Why where you in there so long?" and you make up some lame excuse.

I'll be ready soon, i just gotta take a "shower for an hour."

by Sh4GGY August 28, 2004

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god hour

A slang term used by followers of the principles of divine mathematics, most notably the RZA and other members of the Wu-Tang Clan. This term refers to a specific hour of the day, "seven o'clock", because according to divine mathematics, the number seven is representative of God and perfection.

"You hear us use righteous terms in slang all the time, Like, 'See you at the god hour' means 'See you at seven o'clock.' Or we would call your woman 'your wiz', which is short for wisdom. It's not a code, it's just that our understanding was at that level and you communicate with what you know. Some brothers have gotten mad at me for flipping the words in slang, but I'm a hip-hop slang guy, I can't help it." -RZA, "The Wu-Tang manual"

by georgieghost April 17, 2006

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