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anything moogle

Two random words I came up with together one day, and tried to get all my friends to say.

1. Good, great, or amazing.

2. Tasty, when referring to food.

1. "That movie was anything moogle!"
"That's SO anything moogle."

2. "This pizza is SO anything moogle."
"Are you going to make some of that anything moogle soup tonight?"

by DaWeirdo October 3, 2004

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got anything

A term used when you're asking someone if they have any crystal meth, especially when there's other people around and you don't want them to know what you're taking about.

Tweaker- What's up dude I'm dying to smoke a bowl right now, you got anything?
Dealer-Hell yeah I got some bomb!

by Tweak Fiend January 20, 2016

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Debbie Do Anything

A Female that would do anything.

Woah, Debbie Do anything over here just chugged a pitcher of beer!

by mAGGLEY May 28, 2016

Do anything for clout

You will do anything to be popular or to be famous and clout is to be famous so you will do anything just for people to like you bud.

"Jimmy will do anything if he can get clout so then he is actually liked"- Billy
Do anything for clout means you will do anything to be liked bruh.

by Billy Bob Swager July 20, 2019

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Literally anything else

When you're watching porn or something else you dont want people seeing, and you hear someone coming, so you need to Google literally anything else, but you panic and can't think of anything, so you actually Google "Literally anything else"

My dad was really confused on why I had Google'd "Literally anything else, but after a minute he said goodnight and went to bed. So I went back to watching porn.

by B-Money Baby April 17, 2019

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you doing anything

A term utilized to describe when a person is doing something without thought or purpose.

Bob: So you not going show me" you doing anything moe"

by Sarahfuckingsnyder March 9, 2017

Call Me Anything

The amazing band formerly known as "White Rose"
Consists of Will Tenney, Brandyn Dougan and Matt Mcnulty.

From the little state of Connecticut. The band is basically the raddest thing on the east coast. If you know them, youre automatically 20x cooler.

Person 1: The band Call Me Anything is amazing.
Person 2: You're 20x cooler because you said that

by callmeanythingisthebomb January 23, 2011

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