The sophisticated version of planking often involving pole moves on random locations.
Can involve holding ones own body weight in particular pole dancing moves
"Hey, I'm going to go out and do some pole on location"
"Did you see my pole on location?"
Similar to echolocation, except it only works for the blood pulsing through a dick.
I can see your dick throbbling under the table, I'm using cockulatory location.
Da spot near your hunting/fishing camp where you and your sportsman-buddies collectively decide to build da outhouse. Da way dat you determine said construction-site is by first allowing each of your pals to "vote" by "draining his radiator" at whatever spot dat he'd like da best, and then afterwards choosing da area wif da biggest wet patch.
Da problem wif choosing a pee-arranged location for your outhouse is dat at least one or two of your macho companions will likely "cheat" in their "voting" by either downing extra Bud Lights beforehand to make demselves take bigger whizzes, or by simply dumping their beer directly on their own personal favorite spots, thus messing up da actual size of each wet area, which of course were supposed to indicate how MANY guys had urinated there, not how MUCH "golden shower" had been deposited at each spot.
A person who can locate or scan if they are femboy
hey im a Femboy Locater!!, i can locate if the person is a femboy!!!
1👍 1👎
Not existing in the same space
the non-co-location of the workers made it difficult to correspond
Information locator; Global Information Locator Service (GILS) makes it easier to find required information
Avail info locator for Netcenter.
Meaning he’s/she's a Crip and he’s/she's basically means they did that (did a great job; pulled it off well; had a lot of success with something)