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Early 90's club music group. Had the 1993 hit song "Can You Feel It"

Person 1: "Remember the group Matrix?"
Person 2: "Yeah they were tight"

by MatrixMan February 18, 2010

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

The Matrix

Term used to describe the philosophic concept/idea that reality as we perceive it is not the 'true reality', but a shared make-belief acting as a layer to shield off true reality. Usually this make-belief reality, or virtual reality, is controlled by a malicious entity.

The concept stems from (Christian) Gnosticism, which resolved around the idea that we live in a world that isn't true, and that's created by a malicious god. The goal of gnostics is to break free from this world (and hence gain control of it).

The influence of Plato's cave allegory is clear in both gnosticism and the Matrix-movie, but with the significant difference that Plato's cave allegory meant was meant to embody the idea that reality as we perceive it is merely the shadow of the true reality, aka the world of ideas.

Woa, so gnosticism basically comes down to us being in the Matrix?

by Egregius November 16, 2003

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

the matrix

The act of ruining an awsome movie by making two more pointless sequels just to make more money on the box office.

The Matrix was an awsome movie, but Matrix Reloaded and Revolution both sucked major nuts.

by Fuckitall July 11, 2006

19πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A dramatic way of saying one kicked ass or beat someone up.

He came at me, so I went all matrix on his ass.

by Matthew November 14, 2003

25πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

The Matrix

an excellent movie that has fantastic SPFX, a semi decent story line, mediocre acting and awesome fight scenes, which grabs the viewer into believing that these movies are the best thing since STAR WARS, only to find that the next two movies where written and directed by intoxicated watchers of the tele tubbies, turning what is possibly the best original movie in years into the good part of the worst method of spending my hard earned money to see a movie when the trailer is so much better than the movie itself

I saw the first matrix, it was awesome. I can't wait for the sequels!
I saw the second movie, it didnt make alot of sense, and it was nearly all dialog.
I saw the third movie, thank fuck neo died, I hate the bastard! I wan't the last two and a half hours of my life back!!! What a crock of shit

by Evil January 10, 2004

20πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Getting so high and or drunk that you are in an alternate state of reality. Things that before seemed superhuman are now in the realm of physical possibility, your thinking is enhanced and you are on top of the world(blue pill) or you have far surpassed the point of no return, are currently fubar and seeing shit that doesn't exist (red pill)

I got that dro... lets re-insert ourselves into the matrix

by Bodangles November 25, 2006

12πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


MATRIX (Multistate Anti-TeRrorism Information eXchange) A data mining program and surveillance system that combines information about individuals from government databases and private-sector data companies. It then makes those dossiers available for search by government officials and combs through the millions of files in a search for β€œanomalies” that may be indicative of terrorist or other criminal activity.

The actual Matrix is step one of the movie Matrix.

by Tenaka November 16, 2004

21πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž