A religion founded by Joseph Smith Jr. (1806-1844). This religion is usually identified with its black pant, short sleeve dress shirt, with a tie, door-knocking missionaries boys.
They are not forced to go on missions, but are pressured immensely from family and friends. They also know that if they don't go on missions they cannot get into the " telestial" part of heaven. All who enter the Mormon heaven must have served a mission, be temple worthy and married. When these young men and rarely women go on missions they must server 18-24 months. While on their missions they must not have ANY contact with family except for mothers, father's day and x-mas where they may make one 5-minute phone call. Before these boys go on mission they MUST get family genealogy information, which contains the names of dead relatives. They MUST give these names to the church where they will hold a ceremony for the dead where they baptize the dead. They believe that we are all lost and didn't choose the correct path the first time, so they're going to make sure we're Mormons when we're dead. Because only Mormons get into the top three levels of heaven. Other non-Mormon who don't accept the baptism will be in the lowest form of heaven.
In heaven its polygamist, and it's a free for all where everyone is having sex with everyone. But they will not admit that openly when asked face to face. They believe that sex before marriage is equal in sin to Murder. They also believe the masturbation is a sin. Hell is going to be pretty crowded then.
They believed that African Americans wore the mark on Cain, that's why there were black and unworthy in the mormon chruch's eyes. The Mormons finally allowed the Black members to hold position of some power only when the NAACP was breathing down their backs in July 1978. By miraculous divine word was told, it was okay now, blacks aren't bad after all.
Mormons believe that GOD has a wife, that Jesus and Satan are brothers and that all of them including the Holy Spirit are gods. They also believe that if you're a good enough person here you too will become a god. Mormons don't understand why they are not considered Christians.
They believe that only good and pure Mormons are worthy enough to enter their temples (temples are not the same as churches or Wards as they call them.) When my stepson gets married in there WE will not be allowed to see the ceremony because we are not Mormon. Only those who are will be able to see them. No matter how much you love someone, or how you raised him or her, if you're not Mormon you are NOT allowed in.
Mormons believe that God stands at the door and pushes it shut for those of other sects and tells them "you're not good enough, you're not worthy go away."
Mormonism is the most elitist's and exclusive religion to walk this planet.
I'm sorry Dad & Mom you're not Mormon so you're not invited to the wedding. Why can't you see this is the most loving religion there is, we put family first!"
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Run of the mill Cult. Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints, as they call themselves, have the mixture of common Free Masons and brainwashing. Started by a common theif, Joseph Smith, who based everything on stolen printing plates.
The Mormon teching beleives that you can actually become a god yourself. The idea that one can acheive godhood is apealing to the foolish.
The Mormon cult is an example of the last days.
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Also referred to as the Zombie Religion. It is a term given to the brainwashed zombies that follow the mormon cult, also referred to as latter day saints (LDS). Sorry but as much as they (mormons) would like to deny it their so called 'religion' is nothing more than a backward cult. Some fellow, Joseph Smith, had an overactive imagination and a penchant for polygamy and manipulating people. He is no better than Jim Jones, L. Ron Hubbard or other similar narcissistic bloke that has cropped up ready to become the next great incarnate of something holier than thou (bla bla bla). It just so happened that he (Joe Smith) rolled in on an entire state of stupid people and was able to rope them into believing in his B.S.
Just because a lot of people believe in mormonism does not make it anything other than a cult. It is just that mormonism has become a really big cult that is nonetheless scary in its manipulative and backward belief system than it was at its inception.
Funniest thing I ever saw was while working in a computer lab while in University and beside me was a mormon boy and his mom looking through a mormon website picking out girls that would be good for him to marry. That was too much. Aparently morminism teaches young men to avoid finding a free thinking young woman but rather some bred for breeding brainwashed little girl that can be manipulated and coerced to ensure continued mormonism. If are cognitively deficient and the remainder of your brain function has been severely manipulated it is pretty hard to not be a zombie of mormonism.
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An extremely incorrect religion.
The founder was a conartist who cheated people out of their money.
The book of mormon contradicts the bible in many ways.
The book of mormon states that Jews should burn in hell and suffer horrific deaths.
Mormons hated blacks until it became taboo.
Mormons do NOT tell you the whole of their religion until you are baptized.
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Scary American jesus-freaks that come to my door trying to convert me to their whacky religion.
They often sport name tags with the title of 'Elder', despite being of college student age.
Although they do seem friendly enough, to normal folk they are still god-damned annoying. Indeed, if anybody can put up with a Mormon visit without telling them to "Fuck Off", they deserve a VIP place in Heaven.
"Next time a Mormon comes to my door, I won't say I'm atheist, I'll lie and say I'm Catholic, then they'll fuck off."
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Some of the nicest people you will ever meet, which is unfortunate, since they fall victim to the biggest fraud ever. The Book of Mormon has been altered nearly 300 times to meet the popularity of changing times, such as no longer practicing poligamy and allowing blacks into the church after feeling the pressure of the Civil Rights Movement. Joeseph Smith was not a martyr, he shot at and killed some of the people that came after him when they were tired of his lies.
Nobody ever saw the Golden Plates, and what he copied down from them in "hieroglyphicsΒ " have been translated and found to mean absolute rubbish. Mormons say that the Bible is word from God, even though the Bible clearly says that nothing can be added to it, the Book of Mormon is an obvious attempt at this.
Mormons must tithe 10 percent of their income to be in good standing, and people are counting. My church simply has an anonymous drop box in the lobby
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People that believe that they might become gods. The above stated 13 Articles of Faith put exactly what mormons are. And in the Bible, it states that nothing shall be added to that specific book, not the entire Bible. I forget which book it is though, but we studied it in seminary...another mormon quirk. you get up at 6 oclock every morning and go to church, then you got to school. But if it were true that that statement referred to everything, then the entire Bible would be fake, because that book was one of the first written. The bible is not compiled chronologically.
Mormons are persecuted daily, and those that stand up for their beliefs have my utmost respect. Sadly, I don't have my own respect.
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