if you ever come to norway make sure too leave after 5 minutes. this is one of the top 3 most depressing countries
''oh your from norway? kys.
The belief that any political issue, no matter its size or scope, has been solved by Norway.
Person 1: "How do we get people to stop doing drugs?"
Person 2: "Norway probably has it solved."
Person 1: "Norway Fallacy. Do you even know anything about Norwegian politics?"
a thot from Norway that looks like a girl sitting next to me.
Look at that thot from Norway
Pro Supermoto guy, he rides different vehicles.
Mirror comes from a country called Norway, that is why he is called Mirror From Norway
When a lesbian hoofs a Zebra and then the Zebra might or might not piss in the soup
You get a Norway Taco.
Origin: DJO's Wafer Joints youtube video.
"When a lesbian hoofs a Zebra, tonight..."
"The Zebra piss in the soup right?"
"Oh jesus, heh, fuck"
"You're confused!"
"What you got is a Norway Taco."
A very hot and sexy pimp from Norway
My smexy Norway winked at me