one of the top drug fucked suburbs in cairns. full of nang heads, stoners, alcoholics and meth addicts.
"oi bruv come reddy drains g, ill shout some nangs"
"slack attack"
"what about meth?"
"fuck oath be there in 5"
The Reddy’s are a loving family with beautiful children and amazing parents. They are normally a family of 4 and have a pet dog
Mrs Winter - “My daughter is better than yours,”
Mrs Reddy - “Oh just you keep telling yourself that!”
Reddy is an amazing person (characteristic) he's also very attractive , he always knows when to make people laugh. He always bring joy and happiness to all the people he meets. Legend says it that he'll help binny with quests one day.
He's such an Reddy
the euphemism of the interjection’bloody’
For example ‘reddy hell’
literally means one of a kind. They are passionate and can go out of their way to help others. They have a future forecast that will translate into a better future for themselves as well as those around them. They are very disciplined and push their limits often.
Obul Reddy is as passionate as a they can get.