Code name used by US Air Force enlisted members to identify a particularly unpleasant fellow Aerospace Team member. Duke Rider characteristics include, but are not limited to, blatant and transparent self-promotion, loud, pretentious behavior employed to bring attention to one's self, over-zealous enforcement to obscure regulations, full-contact sucking up to higher ranking members.
The Dukes are known to design and award themselves awards/trophies/pen and pencil sets, each with their name prominently displayed.
The Dukes frequent the NCO Club, and hover around, pouring coffee for any higher ranking NCOs.
The Dukes spend more on their pristine uniforms than on their children's welfare.
The Dukes personify the USAF tradition of "All show- no go."
The Dukes have never heard a weapon fired in anger, but have an endless supply of war stories.
Dude, I just met the new First Sergeant.... he's full on Duke Rider.
You know, Sergeant Burton was an OK dude until he got promoted. Now, he's all Duke Rider and shit.
Man, you should have seen it. Two of the new guys in maintenance are trying to out-Duke Rider each other.
I've decided to get out and do the civilian thing. Yesterday morning, I looked at myself and, Dude, I'm telling you, I saw my Duke Rider training wheels in the mirror. I'm outta here!
Someone who does not partake in an aforementioned activity or task.
Chris: Is John coming to the movies with us?
Mike: Nah he's being a hamilton rider
I was gonna study tonight but I think I'm gonna pull a hamilton rider.
A big black man who survived the bubonic plague and is getting revenge on on Quandale Dingle for having intercourse with his Gramma
Have you seen that Hog rider over there?
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A person who is obsessed about someone, but, the feeling isn't mutual.
That kid is a dick rider, he beat me once for $5 when I'm up hundreds on him.
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A very hot thief that stole a crown from a castle. They couldn't get his nose right in the wanted posters. He met a girl with magical healing hair and made her dream come true. He fell in love with her and saved her life. She ended up being the lost princess and he brought her to her home. Real name is Eugene Fitzherbert.
Is that Flynn Rider?
I will get you Flynn Rider!!!
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A person who is a frequent rider of the band wagon. They always follow the trends and what is currently hot. These are the kind of people who always do the those new stupid dances that keep coming out and hop on any new artist that is just coming up. They are also known as dick riders.
frequent rider: Yo man, Drake is the best rapper alive!
me: Hop off his sack, there is no way a rapper who just came out for a few years is the best rapper alive. You're a frequent rider aren't you?
To insist for multiple days leading up to an event that you will be attending and then bail at the last minute via text message.
For the last three days James has been telling me he was going to come to the party. I knew he was going to pull a rider when I saw I had an unread text message this afternoon. Of course, the message said he couldn't make it.
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