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Derian Herrmann

doesn't matter secretary

by iewdwpjdfodwpo November 1, 2022



person 1 : its crazy how kayla won secretary ! I LOVE them !!
person 2 : I know right ?!?!!! Im so glad they won they would honestly be the best person to win.

by kaylasbiggestfan October 21, 2021

Secretary special

A secretary special is preferably a vanilla latte with a drizzle of cum. Any coffee substitute will do however the cum is necessary.

“Hey babe, do you want a secretary special?”
“I went to get my boss their coffee… I gave them a secretary special.”

by Cumquatch January 18, 2022

Respect Secretarys Day

On Every March 20th Secretarys of anything get to do or say anything to anyone on this day

Respect Secretarys Day

by Joe Deez Of your Mama March 20, 2022

Internet Secretary

When you make a comment about a celebrity that's generally unfavorable and some random person you don't know claims that you're jealous of said celebrity and claims that you're broke and you're just upset because you don't have their fame or specific networth. Hence, at the same time, the person defending the celebrity is most likely not any wealthier than you and is eager to surf on the celebrity's dick even though they don't know he/she exist.

Person 1: This nigga young thug sounds like he raps with aspergers and gurgles with mud, why do people like this nigga?
Person 2: shut up you broke ass nigga you just mad that you live a sphagetti o's can and young thug got a mountain for a house nigga hahaha stay broke nigga #richgang
Person 1: Ahh another Internet secretary, tell me, what does his dick look like in the morning?

by J brown. January 6, 2015

Secretary F4C3M4N_ACTUAL

A dumbass cunt with the IQ of a pineapple, that can't even walk on two feet without sucking someones dick. He's so hated that even his fucking dad left him after his mom gave birth of the kid without any ears cause he gets what he wants. This is comparable to a fucking cockroach, nothing more, nothing less.

Secretary F4C3M4N_ACTUAL was walking through the park when he saw TACTlCALHAWK. All hell broke loose, and he eventually went rogue and sucked his dick. :smirk:

by TACTlCALHAWK July 25, 2017

The Secretary

- Parker Wilson, aka one thicc mofo (bbs - big booty secretary)
- does whoever, whenever, wherever

Bro did you see the secretary today? He was looking thicc af

by Secretaryfan101 August 13, 2021