Means when you try to kill someone in your genocide route.
Jamaican expression
From (since) whappy killed Phillup.
From names of actually people.
Whappy + Phillup or Phillip.
Possibly origins -According to the Gleaner, in June 1951 a man name Aston Jolley aka Whappie King attacked and robbed two people. One of them died, but none of the victim’s names was Phillip. Instead, the news article at the time mentioned “Wappy King fillip” and this ended up being switched to “Wappy kill Phillup” over time. If that is the origins of the story then that would be truly disappointing and anti-climatic.
There is another theory involving a murder between two brothers from Portland called William(nickname Wappy) and Phillip. This happened in the 1940s and was a real headline grabber, mainly because similar to now Portland did not have alot of murders. This sounds far more realistic than the Aston Jolly case as I think Jamaicans are far too creative to build such a timeless saying off “Wappy King Fillip”. Gleaner Story
Used to exaggerate the number of years something has been taking place for;
A very long time
I've been reading this book from (since) Whappy killed Phillup.
aye don't be messin with Tyrone hes gang gang since potty train
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"Since you asked so nicely" is a sarcastic term basically meaning "that was rude, but i'll do it." Often used after forcing to say/do something, like "Move now" or "Give me that"
"Give me your phone"
"Since you asked so nicely
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Idiot hyperbole. Best thing yet.
"His penis is the best thing since sliced bread!"
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A term used to describe something that you haven't heard or seen in forever.
Me: Dude, is that a Yugo?
Friend: Dafuq? I haven't seen one since i fell off my dinosaur
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a line the genius mastermind beautiful tyler, the creator said in his song, "i ain't got time!" from scum fuck flower boy that dropped july 21, 2017
tyler: i've been kissing white boys since 2004
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