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A supposed β€œslur” made by content creator LowTierGod made to describe African-American or Jamaican people.

β€œGet out of here you Spook”

by pyramids90210 December 30, 2022

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Spook(s), or Spooky as an adjective, is a derogatory term in the K-pop world universe (in naegayougaega’s stories) that refers to ghosts of non living people. Characters such as Kim Jonghyun, Lee Jinri (Sulli) and Goo Hara are those who are prone to get hit with this slur.

Yunho (TVXQ) was the first character to have said this word and it has been said that the word ia the ghost equivalent to the n word despite the other words that could be used to insult them.

yunho - where is that annoying spook?

jaejoong - that spooky ghost-

key - oh him? don't call him that. he's a beautiful ghost.

yunho - no, he's a spook.

jaejoong - AYO SPOOK!

jonghyun - *gasps, starts crying* w-why would you say that-

yunho and jaejoong - *laughs at jonghyun*

β€” (SM Nation: FanFic Stories - sm town hates each other (continued again) - Wattpad)

by asahiisateacher October 8, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A word reserved for those of African descent, typically used as an insult towards a black man when he’s acting like a black man. (Ex. Stealing some shit, doin some good nigga shit)

By a fellow black man : β€œAye nigga you actin like a fuckin spook right now”

By a white man : β€œOh watch out, honey, here comes a gang of spooks!”

by Doctor Nut April 2, 2018

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A ghost clan of friends from around the world who meet and work for a common goal everyday under our fearless leader Syy. To take over the world. We are Syys Spooks..

Loser: Why haven't I been able to play for two weeks straight..

Bandit: Ahh.. You must have angered The Spooks

by SyysPocket March 29, 2011

18πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Gumpy and droopy-eyed.

I knew a girl in highschool that was spooked.

by BC January 22, 2005

16πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


the feeling that somewhere there is a black person breaking into someones house

bro, i was spooked last night

by thefunnymen April 30, 2011

18πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


A sexual position in which you begin with having sex with a girl in the butt in the dark. When you pull out, the girl will shit which will be caught in a bucket of water. Quickly you will stir this up, and then pour it on her. You then punch her in the lip causing it to swell, and to end you simply take a picture of her looking like a spooked nigger.

Dave: "Dude, Megan smells like shit!"
Josh: "You didn't hear? Seth gave her the spook last night, she must not have bathed since."

by Schmuttley September 6, 2008

30πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž