The "forgotten" borough where the only thing besides the massive pot holes that kill teens from ages boredom. The borough of parks, trash, cemeteries, pizzarias and the "Zoo" . Our Zoo has four goats and a monkey...literally. The borough where one house can go down, and 37 can fit in its place, where the hair is high and the I.Q. is low. The place that has the "Mall," where the over-sexed and cake-faced tweens infest. There's one Barns 'n Noble bookstore (for those who dare to look away from their sidekicks) and a Target wayyyy in the back (where we sweep it underneath some rugs so people don't classify us a suburban lost cause.)
Mike: So what are we hittin up first?
Sam: Mall, movies...yeah that's it.
Mike: (sigh) Staten Island.
Sam: Yeah...Staten Island.
64๐ 43๐
Home of the most obnoxious, rude, loud and abrasive Italians in the world! Looks almost as if Manhattan took a shit a missed a piece of dangling crap. Absolutely nothing fun to do so you end up hanging out in the only mall in the borough for about 7 hours a day, if you're not trying to look cool with your friends standing in front of the 3 movie theaters waiting to get in. North Shore made up of mostly low-income, working class residents (Black and Latino). South Shore and Mid-Island made up of mostly middle to high income residents (Italians and more Italians). The young people do 90 on every single street and cut off the other drivers while giving the finger, smoking their cigarette, and talking to one of their 200 friends on their cell phones. A/x t-shirts, baggy denim jeans, and white tennis shoes are the dress code and don't forget the black bubble North Face during the colder months. Every single Italian is driving in a Mitsabishi Galant or Nissan Altima who also refuse to hang out in the borough. Everyone flocks to Manhattan as if it was the holy land to get completely trashed at the night club of their choice. More than 50 percent of the borough is comprised of the largest manmade landfill in the entire world (fact). Borough residents live in mid-sized homes on top of each other and never even dream of moving anywhere else. The girls may actually have even less class than their male counterparts. The young people think living in the borough is the absolute worst but could never imagine living anywhere else. You can get to any place in the borough in about an half hour no matter where you live. Made up of people (Italians) who look exactly like each other who constantly screw each other over. The girls think they are going to marry their boyfriends at the age of 13. Their is absolutely no nightlife to speak of. Completely devoid of any high end dining or cultural significance. If you are a native New Yorker who does not fit the agressive, who you lookin' at stereotype, you will loathe this place and dispise the natives (Italians).
Staten Island: Stay away from the Italians!
87๐ 69๐
A few things need to be set straight here!
1. There are black people on Staten Island! It isn't all Italian.
2. There is no dump and hasn't been since 2001.
3. The air is seriously polluted but it doesn't smell.
4. There's five sections of Staten Island, the North Shore, the South Shore, the West Shore, Mid-Island, and the SI Mall.
5. All the black/hispanic/non-white people live on the North Shore (Above the highway). All the white people live in the other sections.
6. There are over 7 sets of project buildings on Staten Island.
7. There are very rough, and unsafe areas on Staten Island's North Shore.
8. There's three bus lines that go to Brooklyn and one to Jersey.
9. North Shore Staten Island people don't travel to the other parts of SI and only see them at the Mall and the Ferry.
10. "Guidos" from the South Shore are scared of the North Shore!
Black Dude from SI: "yea i'm from Staten Island "
Bronx Person: "Damnn..i thought only white ppl live dere"
41๐ 29๐
Home of the most fucked up italians in the world, full of fucking rich snobbish italian kids who think there black, they wear hats like blacks and have a really annoying accent. all they do is go to the mall all day. there is nothing to do there, they try to pimp girls all day. more and more indians are coming
john hey mike, im bored as hell what do u wanna do
mike lets go watch some italian try to act black in staten island
71๐ 60๐
Staten Island is the 5th borough also known as the"forgoten borough",with a population of 491,730, Staten Island is the least populated of the five boroughs.
Some things totally normal & common to Staten Island :
Underage Drinking.
Underage Sex.
Hooking up near the atrium.
Hooking up at McDonalds.
Grinding at rollerjam.
House Partys.
People who drive always getting cut off.
MILFS who look more like muskrats.
Women who can't drive there big escalades,jeeps,&trucks for shit.
Girls with orange skin.
Over 90% of girls wear Bombshell bra's.
"PINK"sweatpants & UGGS
SOME OF US,can have poofs,orange skin,"tawk lyke dwis new yawk".
AND SOME OF US can be totally chill & not do that.
2 girls who are from staten island (randomized)
Girl 1 :Hey gawl whassup???omgee did yu see dat gawls hair!!!
Girl 2:Hello,& yes i did.There's nothing wrong with it.
Girl 1:Uhm gawwl r u blind??i went up to dat b!tch andd tawd it mcdonalds french fries had less gwease den it!!Lyke i was juss bein honest im so real!!
Girl 2:I think her hair is fine,& to be honest your ugly.
*Girl 1 huffing,puffing bbming her friends what Girl 2 did*
18๐ 12๐
A dance move that involves one pumping their fist into the air and gyrating their pelvis uncontrollably once the bass has been dropped....
C-Dub: Yo girl, did you see Carly last night?! Once her favorite jam came on, she pulled a "staten island" all over the dance floor!
21๐ 15๐
My favorite place in the world. Everyone says how shitty it is but truthfully, there are few places I enjoy more. While it's evident that you shouldn't go in the water at the beach I'm sure many people have enjoyed running through the splash grounds when they were younger. What about the playgrounds? Can anyone truly say that they've burnt their feet by running around the black rubber barefoot and never done it again? It's just one of those things that makes you feel at home. Maybe it's just a "Great Kills" thing because everyone else seems to think Staten Island is just a hell hole.
history teacher: so you had the 5 burroughs...which were?
class: *names all but SI*
me: staten island! *mumbles under breath* duh, its the only place to live
20๐ 15๐