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Marching Band

~A collection of the most amazingly perverted people in the cosmos

Bob: Why did Mary Sue laugh when I was talking about my zucchini from cooking class?
Suzy: She is in Marching Band

by HerecomesTreble January 19, 2009

42๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

marching band

n. and adj.

Marching band, simply, is a group of people who play certain types of musical instruments - notably, brass, woodwinds, drums/percussion - and march with them.

Some marching bands are comprised of people who have written these other Urban Dictionary definitions. Some marching bands are comprised of people who are offended by these other Urban Dictionary definitions, which in either case are describing far more than simply marching band.

Marching band, as a genre, is not limited by the season of the year; school, organization or community membership; age of the individual performer; musical selections or styles; and most obviously, level of devotion, values, character, focus, as well as hype or other nonsense. Just as there are good and bad performances, there are good and bad marching bands and good and bad members and players. All of these variables are determined by the individual marching band's membership, requirements and leadership/organization (or lack).

The general reader is advised to learn about marching band from people who are excited about marching and the playing of musical instruments, and ignore input from those who need or prefer to focus on other alleged characteristics.

Marching band instrumentation became focused on the three instrument classes of brass, woodwinds and percussion due to the combination of increased portability, durability and ability to be heard both indoors and outdoors. There are other sorts of instruments - notably strings, such as violins and guitars, and larger percussive instruments, such as pianos and harps, which are welcome in indoor orchestra halls but never became popular as a part of bands due to problems with durability and portability. Woodwinds are an instrument class which are sometimes eliminated from marching bands for these reasons, and such marching bands are more properly termed brass bands due to being comprised solely of brass and drums/percussion. Alternatively, woodwinds are often valued by other marching bands, whether due to the quality of their indoor woodwind players, their contributions to the total sound of the band in all settings, the desire to be inclusive to all members, or combination thereof. Such outdoor portability and performance utility no doubt contributed throughout history to the formation of what we know as a band, which can perform well both indoors and outdoors without a large scale change of instrumentation.

Marching band was developed by people who played instruments indoors who wished to play and perform outdoors, as well as people united by other interests and associations who chose playing band instruments as an activity. Examples of the former are musicians who play trumpet, saxophone, drums, etc.; examples of the latter include fraternal organizations and businesses (such as those who built the British brass band movement in the 1800s, or those seeking a method to advertise their name such as the USA's Goodyear Community Band).

"Marching" can range from a group of individuals merely walking together to the most perfectly uniform and military-styled precision, in step and in time with the music. The term "marching" is sometimes misused to signify other forms of outdoor performance.

In addition to the music makers, marching bands may have auxiliary units such as drill teams, dance squads, honor guards, color guards and other sections associated with them. These other sections may or may not be considered an integral part of the marching band, again depending upon the individual marching band.

Marching bands have developed in most countries over the past two centuries as a way to provide live music to listeners, both indoors and outdoors.

by songspirit May 20, 2006

84๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marching Band

1. The most awesome sport on the planet...and NOBODY can deny it's a sport. We work so much harder than the football team...especially in the 90 degree summer heat for like 8 hours a day. Then once school starts, playing pre game, post game, and half time shows on friday nights, then going out to Pizza hut with the rest of the band until like 1 AM...then waking up for a competition the next day. TOTALLY more hard core than football.
2. The most awesome place to meet friends...it's basically like the giant marching band family. If you know people, great. You'll meet more. If you don't know people, you can't help knowing people by the end of the first couple days of practice. Then you see them all every day except sunday for the entirety of the season
3. The origin of the awesomest inside jokes that you and other band people will laugh at for years
4. The perfect way to find your inner hard core-ness. (haha.) But seriously, it starts to get painful...then when it's over you go brag about how painful it was
5. A group of students with basically no life besides band. You've got band camp, then practice every day after school, then a football game, competition or saturday practice like every weekend throughout the season...not really any time for a life.

1. *During band camp* It's so hot out...i want lunch
*After band camp* Band camp was so awesome!!!!
2. "Hey. Why are you sitting all by yourself? you look lonely. come sit with us."
3. "The sandwich isn't plastic, so I'm gonna eat it now..."
4. My back is killing me from holding up my mellophone...
5. Normal person: Are you going to the fling?
Me: no...I have a marching band show on friday and i have rehearsal on saturday...

by AwesomeBandGeek September 8, 2007

117๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marching band

2.)Band room= your home
3.)Getting the latest gossip every morning after the 7 a.m. practice in the band hallway
4.)Hating the drum line and later realizing you can't march without them and they aren't that bad after all
5.)Going to school before the sun is up and leaving after it goes down
6.)Knowing that everything you say will be taken the wrong way
7.)THE BAND BUS!!!!!!
9.)Practice=Not so Fun
10.)Having a Director that thinks wearing only Hawaiian tee-shirts is a good thing even in the dead of winter
11.)Feeling bad for the freshman that sign up for the bus with the color guard and come off it coughing do to the hairspray and sparkles
12.)Being the only kids in school that can say "One time at band camp.." and are not making a movie reference
13.)Hate it while you're in it and miss it when you're done
14.)Don't mind changing in front of a ton of people
15.)Having weird nicknames like Wsssteve (the w is silent...sometimes) just because you can

The Band room Tuesday morning after Marching band practice. Tom: "Did you hear that Wsssteve stole the drum line bear." Kelly:"Yeah he had it with him on the band bus." Tom:"Hope he gives it back or the drum line might boycott the next competition."

by Alice=TheTromboneisAwesome!!!! November 27, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marching Band

It's you goddamn life, learn it, love it, and LIVE IT!

When you're in band, you might as well say good bye to Friday mall hang outs, and hello crappy football team and totally awesome field show.

Marching Band is the only thing that people go to watch at football games pay close attention, the minute the band performs everyone leaves.

You Fool I am the band lord!

Tips for the little freshmen afraid of band... don't worry dearie you only got the drum major yelling at you to hurry up, you got upper classmen who will protect you during school day hours but the minute it's band time prepare for the worst. Oh and Tuba cases are not that bad you'll grow to get used to them by the end of your freshmen year.

Band is a bad-ass, complete awesomeness, heaven on Earth SPORT, that's right football team band is a sport and no one gives a damn about you, that saints born on Earth go because they are gifted with proper roll step, proper time, and good rhythym.

Once you're band you're in forever, if you quit you should go into hiding because you will be hunted down and force to march in the basement no one knows about at your school, it's a giant football field made by the Band god to make you march.

Tip: Don't make a piccolo mad
Tubas doing Soldier Boy is amazing.

Cheerleaders were made for the marching band, don't believe them when they say it the other way around.


Band Marching Love Life Marching Band heart god heaven awesome

by Band-4-Life December 27, 2010

55๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

marching band

Months of physical excretion that pushes even the best band student to their breaking point. It consist of a series of vocal commands such as gush and go, rep it again, and set this dot.

non musical friend: Marching band isn't a sport
Marching band student: What do you call running, marching and standing for three hours strait?!

by Marching.Band.Geek September 26, 2018

Marching Band

Life. You meet your bestest friends here and the whole band becomes your second family. Marching band is spent as work and play. You learn how to read drill charts, how to march CORRECTLY and IN TIME, and how to make non-band members be jealous of you. That's the work.

Band is also a lot of fun. The opinions of non-band members don't matter. Your fellow bandmates are the closest ones to you. You tell "one time at band camp" jokes, tell stories about when so and so screwed up, and just overall enjoy your time with your second family, the ones you love.

We work harder than the football team, we get more respect than the football team, and we practice longer than the football team. We are the only reason people come to the games. Don't listen to people who say band is weird. THEY ARE WRONG. BAND= LIFE. :D

(In a restaurant, two friends, one in band, one is not, are eating lunch.)

Dawn: I'm so excited to go to the football game tomorrow!
Jamie: Why? Our football team sucks! We're in last place too.
Dawn: Two words. Marching band.

by JT041196 August 5, 2011

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