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A grouping of instruments including the clarinets, flutes, and saxophones. They are the butt of many jokes in marching band, but off the field they kick any brass ass any day. Also a stereotype.
They are seen as the more mature bunch in band, and generally move in small packs or groups. They are friends with the colour guard, and have a higher count of females generally. Also seen as hardworking by the directors, the woodwind section leader is generally a lot tougher on their people, as their instruments are as naturally as obnoxiously loud as the brass (With the exception of Piccolo.) They are the first to memorize their drill, and leave goofing off to outside rehearsal, or at least are clever enough not to get caught.
After marching season, they are the heart and soul of the Wind Ensemble.

"Woodwind women and brass boys, pick up your music, and set down your toys."


-Trumpet player, at the beginning of marching season.

"You outplayed us in band today. It's not fair! We have thirty second notes."
-The same trumpet player, a week into wind ensemble.

(Please note that second and third trumpets and third clarinets often play the same part. The same applies for first cornet and second clarinet. First clarinet plays with the flutes and, occasionally, the first trumpet.)

by Alice will Appear November 20, 2010

57๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best section of Concert and Marching Band.

The woodwinds sound outstanding.

by Band Geek February 4, 2003

98๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


Woodwinds are the gods of the musical world. One does not mess with the woodwinds. Because they are too awesome to be bothered with non-woodwind stupidity. They are the best section in a marching band, and enjoy mocking the trumpet section for being so terrible. The woodwinds can usually be found being awesome, anywhere you look.

"Look at that trumpet player, messing everything up." "Yeah, it would be so much better if he was a woodwind."
"Woodwinds are gods. Don't mess with the woodwinds." Why not? I thought that-" (vanishes from existance from questioning the woodwinds god-like authority.)

by Woodwind5 January 20, 2012

20๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Moronic idiots whose lips aren't strong enough to play an awesome brass instrument.

Yeah man, I used to think he was cool. But then I heard he plays a woodwind instrument.

by Crum May 23, 2004

40๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who are most skilled with their hands and mouths. Envy of the brass.

Stacy: How was Dummy the trumpet player?
Sarah: A nightmare! He didn't know what he was doing!! And Chad the bassonist from the woodwinds?
Stacy: OMG he was great, he made me come before even getting me naked.
Sarah: Hahaaa.... Can I borrow him??
Stacy: Only if we're in a threesome and I get more attention..

by vicky147 September 2, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


when a a girl farts on a mans bonure

Damn that was one woodwind

by 12ewjdj 474nfrkjhfejer October 27, 2017


Fags who aren't cool enough to play brass instruments. Also, the air that moves across your cock when a chick is giving you that oh-so-special present.

1) We're the woodwind section! We're unimportant fags! 2) I felt the woodwinds on my balls last night.

by BilboBaggins January 8, 2004

54๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž