Source Code

Dirty Scarface

When two gay guys jizz on each others penis; one after the other, then snort it like Scarface, one after the other.

The gay boy nutted on the others penis like mustard on a hotdog, the snorted it off the other boys penis like cocaine, it gave him a dirty scarface .

by Dr. Winans January 19, 2017

Liquid Scarface

The act of snorting cum, as if lines of cocaine.

"After I nutted, she liquid Scarfaced that shit."

by Jarrell mafiosos March 8, 2017

Scarface Delusion

The strange and sad phenomena that every currently or formerly drug-addled chav, wankster, or kid in treatment/NA that ever sold a couple of dubs of schwag to his buddies seems to be affected by; that he was some major drug dealer or big player in the game of his (usually hick) town.

My kid brother seems to think that because he sold a few of his classmates some of his ritalin he's now Tony Montana. He's obviously suffering from the Scarface Delusion.

by uncarvedblock89 February 16, 2011

scarface house

the most bad-ass cocaine dealer house out there, example would be the house Tony Montana in the movie Scarface lived in.

Hey bro, lets go buy some Scarface houses after we sell this shipment of coke..

by MRWORST October 23, 2015

Scarface Party

This is when you host a party, in which at some point you watch the movie Scarface. Every time a character in the movie does some cocaine, so must everyone else. The winner gets more cocaine.

Yo, after that Scarface party at Jen's house I was still high for a week.
That coke at the last Scarface party I went to was fucking amazing

by eMM August 24, 2013

Busted a scarface

1."To kill a joke really really badly"

2. A word originated due to multiple killings of jokes by a kid named scarface.

Scarface: "have you noticed that girls that work at mcdonalds have their eyebrows shaped like "M"s? hahahahahhahah"

Someone else: "dude you just busted a scarface"

by lil meno November 13, 2006

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naughty scarface

the act of ejaculating on any part of your partners body then snorting a line of your own semen right off your partner

damn...my nose hurts from last night after i gave my girl a naughty scarface.

by yohanguest March 5, 2012

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