Ancient Roman Feminist Menstrual Dance therapy is an idiom referring in a negative way to supposedly useless or absurd college or university courses and often generally to refer to a perceived decline in educational standards.
The mandatory course "Ancient Roman Feminist Menstrual Dance therapy" was just another useless program forced on students by the progressive academics desperate to prop up their failing careers.
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"Injustice Collector" Feminists see Injustice in absolutely everything about daily life---from the random architecture of buildings to the universal office temperature settings of Air-conditioning to "how overt masculinity dominates Australia's relationship with water."
Hence why Feminists constantly project their "Injustice Collection" onto anyone who disagrees with their Dogma or why Feminists accuse non-Feminist Women of internalized misogyny or "Pick Me," by projecting their own internal "Injustice Collector."
"Men were never interested in dating Jessica because of her raging " Injustice Collector Feminist" Ideology and her unbalanced opinions."
A staging definition as former salient , as this is any gender that has anti-telepathic STOIC AWARENESS.
Come on ELLEN as on your show you are so generous BUT here you are being a FEMINIST ZOMBIE when we are trying to play CARDS AGAINST HUMANUTY such an incredible game.
You cannot read the mind of a FEMINIST ZOMBIE for only BUT EXCEPTION maybe as they go PRUDE side by they will never talk to you even if you try to PISS THEM OFF as be very careful with these people.
The STOICISM will have you do only one thing if you try to penetrate a FEMINIST ZOMBIE as you will become a MANDATORY SHITEATER and EAT SHIT LITERALLY as ANATOMICALLY INGEST SHIT.
One of the biggest functions of the FEMINIST ZOMBIE is to break down anybody's IMAGE to a NOBODY par example EXHIBITIONISTIC SHIT EATER as SHIT IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL and the MANDATORY SHITEATER pierces LOWER AND LOWER levels each TIME.
a feminist marriage is where you admit the only reason you got married as a woman is to have children. most women who are smart will marry men for money not love, and most women who are feminists will marry to have a family.
it is a reminder that according to feminism, you should marry because you are love someone (or, are attracted to them), and you should realize how easy it is to make money, and form bonds based on developing a life together, instead of testing your partner. it's hard to explain to someone that feminist marriage is about giving a good life to your children, and is not about selfishness, to remind you under a true matriarchy women would marry for power, and would marry to give their children a life that everyone would envy. to remind men that by submitting to the idea of an equal relationship where they still wear the pants, and maybe she wears a dress that life can be as simple and envigorating to remember that a child is so innocent and so precious, that the best life a woman can provide for their kids is one with their father.
feminist marriage - is marriage in feminism, isnt really about asking questions, or drawing lines, its about making your kids happy, and providing a better life for your partner by living a life without judgement, and a life filled with love, and passion
A feminist cookie is the term for the reward some men seem to be seeking for saying or doing something feminist. Asking someone if they want a cookie may be used to mock, more or less gently, such attention seeking. A man congratulating himself on his feministic treatment of women is likely to be called out for cookie seeking. In general, feminists consider feminist behavior an essential matter of etiquette, not a cause for general congratulations and acclaim.
Bob: “Women shouldn’t go to prison for false rape accusations.”
Marie: “No shit. Want a feminist cookie?”
It is one of the new feminist theories created in S.Korea.
This feminism is hilariously the most welcoming feminism of men, especilly misogynists, mansplainers rather than women.
If you want to be a 'Zucchini feminist' , all you need to do is just say "I am a feminist". That's it. you don't have to prove it or be proved. and say "you are not feminists, you such a mob, man hater, bully" to women who criticize about your misogyny.
that is the important point that you take the victim's place. it is a good excuse that women says a bad words to guys. when women criticize, hate you , just say "hey! student! listen carefully! I am a real feminist and you are fake. what you do is just bullshit. follow me I can enlighten and educate you what is the real feminism. never say bad words to men. as a man I really want to help you. peace! "
p.s. you must speak it with man's plain .
why is a zucchini?
this all started with this conversation from somewhere on internet
"you wanna be beaten with a zucchini?"
"you are so violent. just like misogyny guys"
she should't have said that.
woman: omg. I falled out of the job interview again. better school, better grade than other men, but why?
man: cause they think you are not enough?
woman : glass.ceilling maybe
man : omg . only ugly fat women say that but no doubt. I am a real feminist.
woman : no. you just a zuccihni feminist.
A : hey what is the zucchini feminism (feminist)?
B: it is so weird feminism that only men like.
An adjective to describe an action or person who displays feminist traits
Dakota described Maggie’s character to be very feministically inclined
“That’s great” said sue