Source Code

blood log

A used, bloody tampon.

Frank: Janie has been in the bathroom for a long time, man.
John: She's probably changing out her blood log.

by Stevtro December 27, 2007

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Bum Log

A huge turd basically...Yeno one that clogs the bog.
In fact so big, that you would of thought it was a child.

Tim: Damn ! I need a Shit !
Tom: Go for one then.
Callum: Yeah dude you better not shit in my room, knowing you, you've probably had Indian food or Cat food or something like that ?!
Tim: Fine! But i reckon its gonna be a bum log cos my ring is well stinging !

by The Mighty Turd ! May 15, 2010

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Epstein Log

The name for a penis that is shaped like an egg.

During the Jeffrey Epstein documentary on Netflix, it was revealed that he had an "egg shaped penis", to which he disgustingly smirked.

It's a play on the Lolita Express flight log, a.k.a. the Epstein flight log.

Much like someone with Peroni's Disease has a dick hooked more than Gonzo's nose, someone with an Epstein Log has a fucking oddly egg shaped appearing dick.

by Donkey McMuffinStuffin September 12, 2020

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log hound

one who watches computer logs very obsessively

You don't know if the urban dictionary has gone past 1000 definitions? What has happened to my log hound?

by Bungalow Bill December 10, 2001

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Logging out

1. v. (log ing out) The skill of being able to stack your shits on top of one another, as if building a wall.

2. adv. (log-ging out) The act of randomly taking your semi hard cock out through the zipper hole in ones jeans, while leaving the button buttoned, and stroking slowly in a downward motion.

1. ie: "Dude! That chick didnt flush man! Come look at this,, bitch was Logging out! And good at it too!"

2. ie: "Bro! You must have been Hammered last night! You kept Logging out in front of those girls."

by SeanyB September 25, 2010

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dirt logs

(1.)Crap,shit,poo,doodie another meaning the word "POOP".

(2.) a word that would be the only thing cool to tatoo on your ass.

(3.)Something to call someone in frustration, anger, or is they're just being annoying.

(1.) Woah check it out! Larry made huge dirt logs in the toilet!!

(2.)Hey look everybody! i got dirt logs on my ass!

(3.)Dammit bob stop being a dirt log!!

by FreshFragrence November 3, 2007

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log blocker

Slang term for people who enjoy anal sex.

Roger is a total log blocker

by NattyB April 17, 2008

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