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Hustle hustle, muscle muscle

A catchphrase said many times by Jyushimatsu Matsuno

Jyushi: Hustle Hustle, Muscle Muscle

by CoolotakuB) April 23, 2023

dick muscling

to be ruffed up by someone's penis

Some people don't know when to quit dick muscling!

by jetgetswet September 11, 2014

Muscle Paralization

When muscles are said to be not functioning when it is time to conduct physical training or exercise.

I was unable to PT due to muscle paralization

by February 12, 2025

Muddle Muscle

1. noun, Triceps Brachii used for the crushing motion in certain cocktails like the sugar in an Old Fashioned or the mint in a Mojito.

Bartender: I made fucking mojitos all day, my muddle muscle's killing me.

by funniestman February 17, 2015

Enoch's bicep muscles

Huge ass sexy things.

Enoch's bicep muscles are huge and sexy

by TheHalfCatracho September 3, 2016

Muscle tissue

Muscle tissue is a contractile body tissue as well as the force behind all bodily movement. It's specialized to contract or shorten forcefully and is classified under three types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. The classification is according to the anatomic location and function of the muscle.

When classified by appearance, muscle can be striated (with thin parallel streaks) or nonstriated (without thin parallel streaks). When classified by function, it is voluntary (consciously controlled) or involuntary (not normally consciously controlled).

Let's go over the three types again, but further in depth:
Voluntary striated (skeletal)
Involuntary striated (cardiac)
Involuntary nonstriated (smooth)

Person 1: *existing*
Person 2: "Did you know that muscle tissue makes up a large portion of your body weight?"
Person 1: "Literally NOONE asked"

by craigellachie March 2, 2022

Poogle Muscles

The rectal equivalent of the female Kegel muscles.

Every time he would dig the tattoo gun needle into the flesh at the top of the back of my thigh, the poogle muscles of my butthole would clench up and it looked like I was twerking.

by Pillsdb January 8, 2017