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A prison where you are forced to write on retarded stuff and get annoyed by pricks. Keeps you from doing your favorite things.

1: School fucking sucks!

2: Ikr!

3 (Teacher): Detention (Solitary Confinement) for 10000 years!

by  September 2, 2022


the trashiest thing ever in the world. school bully us and they torture us. its hell. they want you to get fucked up. they kill trees by simply using a lot of paper. they dont let you go to the W-C even if u feel your gonna piss on your self. they dont let you drink water ( they ask you to say the answer but you cant since you couldn't drink water). they make you sit on plastique chairs for 7 fucking hours. they make you memorize things for nothing like history that was in the past. we pay more than 10000 (in my school) and they are so cheap to get amazing WiFi, and other stuff

dude1: bitch wtf is this school
dude2: its school its torturing us

by memes_for_life November 21, 2019


The biggest waste of time that people use as an excuse not to hire you for a job. I’ll never use anything I learned in school in life except addition subtraction division multiplication other than that not shit if u are thinking about dropping out go for it why not

Jaimie; yo u going to school today
John; nah bruh fuck school

by Are u suicidal May 12, 2019


See hell

The prison your mom drops you off for sixteen years. Overrated in cartoons, television shows and movies. Too much homework to handle.

Younger me: oh wow, I can’t wait to go to school! I’m going to meet so many new friends!

Mom: yeah, goodbye honey!


by Not the smartest person October 5, 2020


A place where you go to take notes on a piece of paper, in which then you are given another piece of paper you have to fill out called “homework.” after that, you will be given yet another piece of paper to fill out called an “exam.” After repeating that for 12 years, you fill out thousands of pieces of paper only to be given yet another piece of paper called a “diploma.”

If you decide to go to college, you will be repeatedly be given the same pieces of paper to fill out for yet another four years, along with yet another piece of paper called “student loan debt.”

(After graduation)
Boss: Aight, I need you to build me a bridge
Graduate: ohh, you mean on a piece of paper?
Boss: Dafuq, no, I mean an actual bridge that people can walk on.
Graduate: ahh I see, (folds a couple of pieces of paper together in a row) Tadaa!!!
Boss: omg, you’re fired.
Graduate: What?? Then how the hell am I gonna pay for my 60,000$ debt?
Boss: Idk, if school giving you all of those pieces of paper made you so smart, then you should be able to figure it out.

by Boss 7067 January 30, 2022


The definition of hell and anyone who even likes it is probably an idiot also school is just shit in general we have Siri and google and Alexa for crying out loud

Child:I don’t wanna go to hell
Mum:well to bad you have to go to school

by Ben hanscom November 1, 2019


A fucking prison that tortures you and forced you to do work and is gay as shit.

School kid: ScHOoL iS FuN


by AutisticNeighbor October 3, 2019