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parler trick

The act of making Nazis disappear from conventional social media, such as Facebook and Twitter.

After the November 2020 election, there was a mass exodus of right wingers from traditional social media in what appears to be the greatest Parler trick ever.

by Cashman73 November 9, 2020

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1991 tricks

Its when your skateboarding and you cant pop your tricks and you pivot your 180 tricks 170 degrees of the way like your jason lee in video days

Rob, your backside flip was a kickflip pivot, its bullshit man its not 1991 anymore so stop with the 1991 tricks

by Francis Bazik October 26, 2006

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rat trick

2 Common varieties

1. The Original consists of
a. Scrapping
b. Nail a whale
c. Vomit preferably on her person

2. The Natural Rat trick consists of simulataneously
a. Pound a donkey
b. while vomiting in her mouth
c. and punching her face in

T-rat: Hey Rico you really ricoed that exam
Rico: At least I didn't rat trick Tifano's sister

by Dean Wayne April 9, 2006

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v. To jury rig something, esp. related to computers, using unconventional means or tools. Can be temporary or permanent, depending on the quality of said trick-fuck and competence of the trick-fucker.

Dave was able to trick-fuck the network into working using a pair of pliers and an old Windows 98 workstation.

by nano32 April 15, 2008

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Trick Bitch

One who offends another; one who is commonley afraid to do somthing.

Dude: You look kind of fat in that shirt.
Lady: Gee thanks, why do u have to be such a Tick Bitch?

Dude 1: All you have to do is jump in, it's not that high up!
Dude2: No! im not goin to, it's to high.
Dude1: Stop being a Trick Bitch and just jump!

by elseniorvictor February 19, 2011

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gee trick

The male art of creating a faux fanny by hiding the male toolset behind crossed legs. Aka a Mangina

Man 1 "How was the wedding last night?"

Man2 "Overall it was a really good night. Well, apart Drunkle Dave trying to pull off the Gee Trick after downing a bottle of scotch"

by alankebab February 28, 2007

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paperbag trick

When a girl has a really ugly face, put a brown paperbag with mouth and eye holes over her head and fuck her like this. This allows you to easily imagine
an attractive womans face rather than hers. Most Commonly done to ^prawns^.

Dude1 : "I could never bring myself to fuck her, she has a great body, but that face is ^rude^."
Dude2 : "I used the 'paperbag trick' and it wasnt really all that bad, she's got a nice pussy."

by Diego August 15, 2003

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