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Mr. Ripleyed

From the storyline "The Talented Mr. Ripley". When someone you've been close with becomes obsessed with your talents and personality traits, then all of a sudden pretends you never existed and imitates them as their own.

We were so close and then I never heard from her again. It was like I never existed. Then she had all of these new interests, activities and changes to her personality on her facebook that were identical to mine. She totally "Mr. Ripleyed" me!

by Sickeningly Sweet December 21, 2010

Mrs hubler

A 7th grade math teacher, they yell a lot in a good way and actually make math fun. She normally duct tape the mouths of kids she personally knows and will put recycling bins on their head. She almost has a mental break down every day but that doesnโ€™t stop her from showing up to class. She prefers her 5th period 7/8 math over her 2nd period 7/8 math class. She also never does any of the advisory slide shows which is amazing.

Mrs hubler threw a marker at me again
Damn, she threatened to glue me to a chair

by YourFavBestieee May 29, 2023

Mr. Jingles

1) The opposite of having "Big Brass Balls". Being timid, a lackey, a toadie, a sniveling suck-up. Someone indecisive, incapable of having their own opinions - will always agree with whoever's teat they're currently attached to.

2) May also give themselves an overblown nickname like "Lion-o", "Dragonheart", or "Hercules", as a direct opposite of their true nature and courage.

Mr. Jingles: "Let's go out and find some women!"

Any Man: "Yeah, sure Mr. Jingles. Whenever you want to stop acting like a little mouse and talk to one without me telling you what to say."

Mr. Jingles: "Whatever you say!"

by Leeroy_Jenkins! July 16, 2010

293๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž

mr. brightside

A guy who has terrible luck with with girls, or anyone who catches a lot of tough breaks in general.

- 'But it's just the price I pay, Destiny is calling me, Open up my eager eyes, Cause I'm Mr. Brightside'

- "wow the girl u like just started going out with another guy... better luck next time mr. brightside."

by ajaku3714 February 24, 2008

220๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

mr blonde

Rather sadistic criminal played by Michael Madsen in Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs. His name is Vic Vega, and is related to Vincent Vega who appared in Pulp Fiction.

Mr Blonde : Are you going to bark all day, little doggy, or are you going to bite?

by Domino July 13, 2006

51๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr. Pimp

An mixed drink containing 6oz. Mr Pibb and 1&1/2oz. Goldschlรคger. Named for pimp's fondness of gold (teeth and jewelry)

I got hammered on my signature drink- Mr. Pimp.

by wolfbait51 April 19, 2011

40๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr. 305

Another name for the Cuban rapper Pitbull.

Pitbull: Mr. 305, checkin' in for the remix!

by angryangry May 27, 2009

90๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž