Getting ready to be a Ho. Getting ready to sell out or trick a person. Pushing your luck. Trying to take advantage of a situation by being slick on the slide. Getting ready to taking a advantage of people. Getting ready to go.
"I know you are going to Ho-Up before you go out tonight and wear that low cut dress and high heels."
"Don't Ho-Up and eat all the cookies."
"Everyone need to Ho-Up we are heading to the club."
(verb; infinitive: to chalk up)
It means literally everything and anything that you want it to mean, but only in British slang.
Made by a musician, streamer and youtuber James Marriott on a “Cursed Buzzfeed Quizzes”.
Dude, you should DEFINITELY stream “Bitter Tongues” by James Marriott. It’s SO chalked up! And “Slow Down”! So chalked up...
All the way, entirely and completely.
Your bacon got burned "slam up."
Simply being ready/in the mood to just senselessly hate on someone/something .
Up-To-Hate is a unique combination of words similar to Up-To-Date, but instead of the meaning being well informed about an event, topic or person it means that you are ready to hate on someone or something in order to keep them in place, cope with something or just because you feel like being an asshole towards others.
Person 1: Are you ready to hate on some of Tim’s posts?
Person 2: Why?
Person 1: he’s been acting like he’s better than us after he got that A+ on the last Chemistry test, so I’m feeling pretty Up-To-Hate for him.
Person 2: True, well I guess a little mocking will bring our Tim back.
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to receive a written disciplinary notice on conduct and action in the work place.
Bob: Russell, you were 5 hours late. You will receive a write up.
Russell: But those guy left me at White Castle last night! I had to blow the large black man for a ride home. And he din't give it to me either! I called my mom and dad and they told me I suck! I finally got home by calling my friend with the Mercury Sable, but I had to promise him my tight nerd ass.
Bob: You will receive an additional write up for being stupid. You can go home now.
Russell: YEA! Yu-Gi-Oh is on!
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To create a marijuana cigarette
Let's roll up the Wool-o and get all schmoked up
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To light a ciggarette or marijuana 'joint'
"Hurry and spark it up, homey!"
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