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A negative accusation alluding to someone who is mentally impaired.

Look at Ray making a fool of himself. He's such a window-licker.

by soitgoes.963 June 26, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Windows 98

The word you look up in the dictionary when you're either out of perverted words to laugh at or you press 'random word' a lot (Like I did).

What a rip. This thing won't go up like my other window does.. kids and their new fads.

by Rio April 16, 2004

82๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

windows me

Windows ME is a viruse that mysteriously appeared from another planet. This alien viruse made more viruses.

Windows ME hatched from the gaping anus of Microsoft Labs. Microsoft labs makes some interesting viruses. They made Windows 95, 98, XP and 2000 (which was a very similar viruse indeed) In fact Windows 95 and 98 and ME they are all inbred brother's and sisters. That's why they are so dumb, and make bad things happen to our poor friend Mr computer.

"I'm sorry to inform you...But you have Windows ME"
"Windows ME is in all my nightmares, I can't escape it"
"Can't sleep, Windows ME will eat me, and my chocolate ice cream"

by clueless_furball November 18, 2006

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Windows XP

Windows 2000 after a facelift. The Professional variant is a decent, robust OS with very few nagging points (provided that you disable all of the extraneous garbage and useless services). The Home Edition variant, however, is crippleware aimed solely at the computer illiterate soccor mom who couldn't tell a mouse from her studded leather dildo; contrary to popular belief, it is crash-prone and becomes very unstable when running more than 2 applications at once. It's "Luna" theme, by the way, is a laughable ripoff of Apple's "Aqua" design theme that is nowhere near being as elegant and intuitive.

I don't like Macs very much, but I'd take OSX's svelt brushed metal and blue orb design over Windows XP's clunky blue-and-red coloring book design ANY day.

Windows XP Professional - A worthy successor of Windows 2000
Windows XP Home Edition - Dumbed-down bullshit OS that puts the Win2K kernel to shame. Is only marginally more stable than Windows ME, and just as worthless.

by Ninja Disaster July 8, 2003

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Windows Vista

The latest Windows OS, specifically designed to make XP look better. It comes complete with an unreasonably shiny interface, compatibility issues and frequent crashing. In short, a Microsoft abortion.

Guy 1: I installed Windows Vista on my machine.

Guy 2: How cute. When are you going to get a real operating system?

by Frank Einblat March 29, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

windows pista

Windows OS which for some reason won't work worth shit. It came after Windows XP and before Windows 7. Gee, I think I'll just say "fuck it" and switch to Linux.

I had to upgrade my version of windows since Windows Pista will no longer work.

by alchoholicanonymous March 28, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

tinted window

a guy fucks a girl doggy style in front of a window then pulls out and lets his friend take over without the girl knowing then the original guy sneaks out and walks by the open window and waves at the girl

"you should've seen the look on that girl's face when we tinted windowed her!"

by The Lube Dogg July 30, 2003

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