When you've fingered a bitch for so long your fingers get wrinkly and pruned.
I was fingering Trace in Maccas car-park for so long last night I got bathtub fingers.
When you finger a woman when she is on her period. You take your bloody finger and draw on her or yourself.
My girlfriend just started her period so we tried Indian finger painting thats when you finger a woman when she is on her period. You take your bloody finger and draw on her or yourself.
flip someone off, raise the middle finger in an aggressive gesture meaning "fuck you!" The raised middle finger suggests a phallus.
The driver was tailgating me, so when they passed me I gave them the middle finger.
When a Ranga has an orgasm on her period and has a finger sesh
Her freckle fingers tasted like fishy aids
When someone curls their index finger into a square shaped moustache means they want to aggressively make out with you
“Katie is doing the finger moustache, you know what that means😏”
Happens after you finger a girl and your fingers continue to smell like pussy for the rest of the day.
dang why do my fingers smell like that. Oh yeah I think I have coochie fingers.
When you smoke, your finger turns yellow
Terry has awful cigarette finger. He must smoke a pack a day.